CCCC > Archive > 1949, Volume 14
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

1949, Volume 14
pp. 1-9
R. Domanský
Le rayonnement ultraviolet pendant l'oxydation anodique des métaux et des alliages
pp. 10-19
B. Stehlík and A. Tkáč
A study of a new osmotic phenomenon on some acids and sugars
pp. 20-27
O. Tomíček, Z. Šandl and V. Simon
Volumetric determinations in strongly alkaline solutions. VI. An oxidimetric determination of manganese and cobalt
pp. 28-39
J. Fidler
Dosage gravimétrique du vanadium au moyen de certains dérivés de la carbamides
pp. 40-58
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Dosage de l'uranium à côté du CeIII, TlI, Ag, Pb, Cu, HgII et du ferricyanure de potassium au moyen de l'isatine-β-oxime
pp. 59-65
Otakar Quadrat and Miroslav Beránek
Étude sur les oxydes de fer dans la cuisson de la magnésite
pp. 66-73
V. Ettel and M. Semonský
Certaines sulfones a l'hétérocycle thiazolique
pp. 74-79
V. Ettel and J. Nosek
On some phenylmercury compounds
pp. 80-90
V. Ettel and J. Liebster
Oxydation biochemique de la volémite
pp. 91-97
F. Šorm, F. Vonášek and V. Herout
On terpenes. VII. On a new coloured hydrocarbon from the oil of wormwood (Artemisia absinthum L.)
pp. 98-107
F. Šorm and J. Mleziva
On terpenes. VIII. On the constitution of carotol III. A new synthesis of 1,7-dimethyl-4-isopropylnaphthalene
pp. 108-112
F. Šorm and L. Dolejš
On the synthesis of ketodicarboxylic acids
pp. 113-115
Č. Jech
Tracing of β-rays from the decomposition of potassium iodide
pp. 116-129
V. Hovorka and L. Diviš
On metal salts of 2-isatoxime
pp. 130-144
Rudolf Brdička
Decomposition of lactoflavin by light
pp. 145-155
F. Šantavý
Polarography and spectrography of colchicine, colchiceine and similar substances
pp. 156-161
J. Procházka and O. Wichterle
pp. 162-176
J. Wanka, M. Jureček and F. Holánek
On the determination of the carbonyl group by the hydroxylamine method
pp. 177-185
B. Stehlík and V. Kellö
The use of the new osmotic phenomenon for the proof of the intramolecular hydrogen bond in o-nitrophenol and salicylic acid
pp. 186-200
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Sels métalliques des β-semicarbazones de l'isatine et de ses dérivés
pp. 201-208
F. Šorm and O. Knessl
On terpenes. IX. The spectra of 2,6-dimethylazulene and 4,6-dimethylazulene in the visible and ultraviolet region
pp. 209-218
O. Wichterle and J. Vogel
On the addition of nitroso-compounds to conjugated systems
pp. 219-222
J. V. Koštíř and V. Král
On the synthesis of 2,3-di(alkylmercapto)propanols
pp. 223-235
Z. Buděšínský
On some new derivatives of 2-methylpyrimidine
pp. 236-240
M. Jureček
Contributions to the analysis of chemotherapeuticals. II. Identification of p-sulfamidobenzylamine
pp. 241-247
B. Stehlík
Contribution to the structure of orthotelluric, phosphorous and arsenious acids
pp. 248-262
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Sels métalliques des β-thiosemicarbazones de l'isatine et de ses dérivés
pp. 263-266
J. V. Koštíř and V. Král
On a new synthesis of β-(2-thienyl)alanine
pp. 267-273
Z. Buděšínský and J. Šolín
On the preparation of certain new asymmetric sulfones
pp. 274-286
J. Plíva and F. Šorm
On terpenes. X. Infrared investigations of terpenes I
pp. 287-303
S. Fiala
A study on the iron binding protein of plasma
pp. 305-319
J. V. Kubal
Properties of the positively charged sol of silver iodide
pp. 320-330
R. Přibil
Use of complexones in chemical analysis
pp. 331-344
F. Šorm and J. Sicher
On the synthesis of pseudoconhydrine. I. Synthesis of one isomeride of rac. 2-propyl-5-oxypiperidine
pp. 345-353
F. Šorm, V. Tomášek and R. Vrba
On terpenes. XI. On the synthesis of 2,6-dimethylazulene
pp. 354-366
M. Protiva
Antihistamine substances. VIII. Ethers and thioethers derived from β-piperidinoethanol and β-piperidinoethyl mercaptan. The degradation of several quaternary bases
pp. 367-376
Z. Vavřín
The significance of the polarographic half-wave potentials due to the electrooxidation of l-ascorbic acid
pp. 377-387
F. Šantavý
Polarography of berberine, hydrastinine and cotarnine
pp. 388-398
M. Protiva
Antihistamine substances. IX. Basic ethers derived from tertiary 3-pyridyl carbinols
pp. 399-412
Ivan Vavrečka
A new synthesis of leptidine. (Transformation of vinyl-type halogenides to ketones V.)
pp. 413-426
R. Přibil and V. Maličký
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. II. (Cerimetric determination of cobalt.)
pp. 427-440
I. Vavruch
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications 1948
pp. 441-444
R. Domanský
L'influence de la concentration de l'électrolyte sur la naissance du rayonnement ultraviolet pendant l'oxydation anodique de l'aluminium
pp. 445-450
F. Jirsa
A study on silver oxides. I. Preparation of silver peroxide Ag2O2
pp. 451-453
F. Jirsa
A study on silver oxides. II. Specific heat of silver oxide and silver peroxide
pp. 454-468
R. Přibil and V. Simon
Use of comlexones in chemical analysis. III. Oxidimetric determination of manganese by ferricyanide
pp. 469-472
K. Komárek
Further polarographic and colorimetric investigations of alkaline cobaltous salt solutions containing dimethylglyoxime
pp. 473-489
V. Hovorka and L. Diviš
The gravimetric estimation of lead by means of α-isatin-oxime
pp. 490-494
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Microchemical detection of chlorates and chloric acid
pp. 495-502
V. Hovorka and L. Diviš
Microchemical detection of nitrites and nitrates
pp. 503-507
B. Stehlík
Chelate ring in allocinnamic acid
pp. 508-531
E. Knobloch
A polarographic and spectrographic study on the vitamine K5 (4-amino-2-methyl-1-naphthol) and its oxidation products
pp. 532-539
J. Čech and F. Šantavý
The effect of hydrogen peroxide in alkaline medium on colchiceine
pp. 540-550
J. Staněk and J. Šáda
Lactose dibenzyl mercaptal and some new derivatives of lactose
pp. 551-554
M. Horák and J. Staněk
Condensation effect of stannic chloride. I. Preparation of diphenylacetic acid
pp. 555-560
Josef Čech
Preparation of benzothiazole and its oxidation
pp. 561-563
M. Hudlický and J. Hokr
Alkyl ethers of cyclohexanone oxime
pp. 564-568
Miloš Hudlický
Analysis of the system cyclohexanone-cyclohexanol-phenol
pp. 569-594
J. Heyrovský and O. H. Müller
Bibliography of publications dealing with the polarographic method in 1948
pp. 595-607
B. Stehlík and L. Balák
The crystal structure of tellurium dioxide
pp. 608-614
B. Stehlík
Osmometric study of ammonium chloride
pp. 615-625
D. Stočesová
Polarographic reduction of aromatic nitrocompounds
pp. 626-644
R. Přibil and J. Horáček
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. IV. Reductometric determination of trivalent manganese
pp. 645-654
J. Fidler
The gravimetric estimation of vanadates, chromates, molybdates and tungstates by means of acridine
pp. 655-664
R. Lukeš
Sur les dérivés β-substitués de la quinuclidine
pp. 665-678
R. Lukeš and I. Ernest
Sur les dérivés quinuclidiques β-substitués. II
pp. 679-687
R. Lukeš and I. Ernest
Nouvelle préparation du 4-pyridylacétate d'éthyle
pp. 688-692
R. Lukeš and J. Trojánek
Sur la décomposition de l'homoneurine par la chaleur
pp. 693-698
F. Šorm, J. Mleziva and Z. Arnold
On terpenes. XII. On the composition of the oil of hops
pp. 699-715
F. Šorm, J. Mleziva, Z. Arnold and J. Plíva
On terpenes. XIII. On the sesquiterpenes from the essential oil of hops
pp. 716-722
V. Herout, M. Streibl, J. Mleziva and F. Šorm
On terpenes. XIV. On the identity of humulene and α-caryophyllene
pp. 723-746
F. Šorm and V. Herout
On terpenes. XV. On the constitution of acorone and isoacorone I
pp. 747-754
B. Stehlík
Osmometric study of ammonium chloride