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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1949, 14, 287-303

A study on the iron binding protein of plasma

S. Fiala

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  • Penner Michael H., Osuga David T., Meares Claude F., Feeney Robert E.: The interaction of anions with native and phenylglyoxal-modified human serum transferrin. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1987, 252, 7. <>
  • Penner Michael H., Yamasaki R.Bryan, Osuga David T., Babin Donald R., Meares Claude F., Feeney Robert E.: Comparative oxidations of tyrosines and methionines in transferrins: Human serum transferrin, human lactotransferrin, and chicken ovotransferrin. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1983, 225, 740. <>