CCCC > Archive > 1951, Volume 16
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

1951, Volume 16
pp. 1-12
J. Kůta
Wasserstoffüberspannung an der tropfenden Quecksilberelektrode mit konstanter Tropfzeit
pp. 13-22
A. Reiser, V. Jehlička and K. Dvořák
The dipole moments of methoximes
pp. 23-32
R. Lukeš and J. Málek
The action of Grignard reagents on the amide group. XVI. 1-Methyl-1-azacyclononan-2-one
pp. 33-41
O. Wichterle and S. Švastal
Phenyl substituted hydrooxazines
pp. 42-46
F. Šorm and J. Smrt
On proteins and amino-acids. VI. A synthesis of proline and hygric acid
pp. 47-56
F. Šorm, M. Zaoral, J. Arient, J. Plíva and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXIII. On the composition of oil of carrot (Daucus carrota L.)
pp. 57-64
M. Protiva and M. Borovička
Antihistamine substances. XVIII. Derivatives of benzosuberane and some related compounds
pp. 65-68
Ž. Procházka and S. Kořístek
A proof of the existence of a bound form of ascorbic acid in cabbage by paper chromatography
pp. 69-79
R. Přibil and V. Sedlář
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XII. Determination of tungsten by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline
pp. 80-85
R. Přibil, Z. Koudela and B. Matyska
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XIII. Potentiometric determination of certain cations by means of Complexone III solutions
pp. 86-91
R. Přibil
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XIV. Review of some new methods of separation and estimation
pp. 92-94
M. Jureček and M. Večeřa
Ein neues Verfahren zur Identifizierung der am Sauerstoff oder Stickstoff gebundenen Alkylgruppen
pp. 95-99
M. Jureček and M. Večeřa
Identifizierung einiger höherer Alkylhalogenide und Dihalogenparaffine
pp. 101-112
A. Tockstein
Über die polarographische Irreversibilität bei verlangsamten Elektrodenvorgängen
pp. 113-126
O. Tomíček and J. Valcha
Titrations in nonaqueous solutions. V. Further oxidimetric titrations in glacial acetic acid
pp. 127-138
L. Jenšovský
Über die Tantal- und die Niobelektrode
pp. 139-150
R. Přibil and B. Matyska
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XVa. The amperometric determination of bismuth and certain other metals
pp. 151-157
M. Protiva and J. O. Jílek
Basic benzhydryl ketones. II.
pp. 158-167
J. Plíva, V. Herout and F. Šorm
On terpenes. XXIV. Infrared investigations of terpenes. III.
pp. 168-183
F. Šorm, J. Gut, J. Hlavnička, J. Kučera and L. Šedivý
On terpenes. XXV. The total synthesis of S-guaiazulene
pp. 184-197
F. Šorm, J. Kučera and J. Gut
On terpenes. XXVI. The total synthesis of Se-guaiazulene
pp. 198-203
F. Šantavý and E. Coufalík
Substanzen der Herbstzeitlose und ihre Derivate. XXIV. Isolierung von Substanzen aus den Knollen verschiedener Arten der Pflanzenfamilie Liliaceae
pp. 204-206
B. Keil and J. Potůčková
On proteins and amino-acids. V. The preparation of apoferritin by alcohol precipitation
pp. 207-213
F. Šorm and Z. Šormová
On proteins and amino-acids. VII. On clupein
pp. 214-220
J. Rudinger and F. Šorm
On proteins and amino-acids. VIII. A new synthesis of glutathione
pp. 221-229
B. Matyska and I. Kössler
Polarographische Studie der Komplexbildung von Quecksilber mit Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure
pp. 230-238
A. A. Vlček
Polarographie in konzentrierter Schwefelsäure. I. Abscheidung von Cadmium- und Thalloionen
pp. 239-251
P. Valenta
Studium der an der strömenden Quecksilberelektrode auftretenden Stromdiskontinuität
pp. 252-257
R. Lukeš and M. Ferles
Synthesis of 3-methyl-3-ethylpentadiene
pp. 258-267
O. Exner
A new synthesis of N-methylketoximes
pp. 268-277
F. Šorm, M. Suchý, F. Vonášek, J. Plíva and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXVII. Sesquiterpenic and diterpenic components of wormwood oil (Artemisia absinthium L.)
pp. 278-282
F. Šorm, M. Suchý and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXVIII. On the constitution of the aromatic diterpene from wormwood oil
pp. 283-295
M. Hudlický
Reactions in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. I. Oxidation of ketones with hydrogen peroxide
pp. 296-303
K. Fučík, Ž. Procházka and J. Štrof
Studies on anticoagulants. X. An attempt to explain the difference in anticoagulant activity between dicoumarol and some of its derivatives
pp. 304-318
K. Fučík, Ž. Procházka and J. Štrof
Studies on anticoagulants. XI. Bis-4-hydroxycoumarin-3-yl-acetic acid and some of its derivatives. 2.
pp. 319-326
K. Fučík and L. Lábler
Studies on anticoagulants. XII. Synthetic proof of the constitution of 3-[coumarino-(3',4':3,2)-5-methylfur-4-yl]-4-hydroxycoumarin
pp. 327-330
K. Fučík and S. Kořístek
Studies on anticoagulants. XIII. A new synthesis of 1,1-bis-4-hydroxycoumarin-3-yl-propan-2-one
pp. 331-343
M. Protiva, Z. J. Vejdělek and J. O. Jílek
Synthetic antispasmodics. III. Derivatives of indane-1-carboxylic acid, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid and indane-1-acetic acid
pp. 344-347
Z. J. Vejdělek and M. Protiva
Pyridine derivatives of pharmacological interest. II. Some aralkyl esters of nicotinic acid
pp. 348-357
J. Hebký
Derivate des Pyrons, Pyridons und Pyridins. II. Über einige Jodderivate des N-Phenyl-γ-pyridons
pp. 358-365
M. Semonský
Oxymethylierung und Aminomethylierung des 1-α-Narkotins
pp. 366-379
F. Šorm and B. Keil
On proteins and amino-acids. IX. The constitution of phalloidin
pp. 380-385
K. Slavík
The enzymic formation of hydroxamic acids from amides and peptides. I.
pp. 386-390
K. Slavík
The enzymic formation of hydroxamic acids from amides and peptides. II.
pp. 391-397
R. Přibil and J. Čuta
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XVb. Gravimetric determination and separation of bismuth
pp. 398-404
V. Šedivec
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XVII. Determination of mercury by means of mercaptophenyl thiothiodiazolone
pp. 405-415
F. Čůta and Z. Velebil
Potentiometrische Bestimmung von Hydroxyd oder Bicarbonat in Soda nach Winkler
pp. 416-417
R. Lukeš and M. Ferles
A simple synthesis of quinuclidine
pp. 418-419
J. Staněk
The behaviour of benzophenone under the conditions of the Willgerodt rearrangement
pp. 420-422
R. Lukeš and M. Ferles
Synthesis of 3-methyl-3-vinylpentadiene
pp. 423-425
F. Šorm and Z. Pravda
On proteins and amino-acids. X. The synthesis of two peptide analogues
pp. 426-429
A. Kochanovská and L. Levinský
Occurrence and formation of tricalciumphosphate in tuberculous calcifications
pp. 430-453
J. Heyrovský and O. H. Müller
Bibliography of publications dealing with the polarographic method in 1950
pp. 455-464
J. Heyrovský and M. Matyáš
Polarisation effects of surface films at the dropping and streaming mercury electrodes
pp. 465-478
A. A. Vlček
Polarography in concentrated sulfuric acid. III. Influence of the oxidizing properties of the solvent on electrode equilibria
pp. 479-487
J. Říha
A new method for the derivation of polarographic curves
pp. 488-495
V. Vojíř
Das polarographische Verhalten einiger Phenyl-Mercuri-Verbindungen
pp. 496-505
M. Matyáš
Die Adsorption einiger aliphatischer Alkohole an der Quecksilberoberfläche
pp. 506-509
A. Trifonov and Chr. Schejtanov
Polarometrische Aluminiumbestimmung
pp. 510-525
P. Zuman
Die Bestimmung von Sulfhydrylstoffen in einigen Früchten
pp. 526-530
J. Šponar
Potentiometrische Titration von freiem SO3 in rauchender Schwefelsäure
pp. 531-541
F. Toul and K. Dostál
Darstellung und Eigenschaften des Selentrioxyds
pp. 542-553
R. Přibil
New possibilities of qualitative semi-micro analysis
pp. 554-560
R. Přibil and Z. Zábranský
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XIX Polarographic determination of thallium
pp. 561-566
R. Přibil and A. Blažek
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XX. Polarographic determination of molybdenum
pp. 567-572
R. Přibil and A. Blažek
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XXI. Polarographic determination of uranium
pp. 573-579
R. Přibil, V. Simon and J. Doležal
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. XXIII. Iodometric determination of cerium, permanganate and chromate
pp. 580-590
V. Chvalovský and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. I. Fission of aryl-silicon bonds by means of nitric acid
pp. 591-598
O. Wichterle and J. Roček
Die Beckmannsche Umlagerung des Cyclohexanonoxims. Kinetik der Reaktions-Endphase. I.
pp. 599-602
O. Wichterle and J. Roček
Die Beckmannsche Umlagerung des Cyclohexanonoxims. Kinetik der Reaktions-Endphase. II.
pp. 603-610
R. Lukeš and J. Trojánek
The Hofmann degradation of quaternary bases and salts containing unsaturated alkyl groups. II.
pp. 611-614
M. Hudlický
Reactions in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. II. Beckmann rearrangement of ketoximes in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
pp. 615-619
J. Rudinger
Preparative separation of the isomeric half-esters of carbobenzoxyglutamic acid by countercurrent distribution
pp. 620-625
Z. J. Allan
Aromatic diazocompounds. II. Coupling in concentrated sulphuric acid
pp. 626-638
F. Šorm, M. Zaoral and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXXI. On the composition of the oil of Matricaria chamomilla L.
pp. 639-649
F. Šorm, M. Streibl, J. Plíva and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXXII. A contribution to the constitution of humulene
pp. 650-652
F. Šorm and L. Dolejš
On terpenes. XXXIII. Proof of a nine-membered ring in caryophyllene
pp. 653-657
F. Šorm, M. Suchý, J. Plíva and V. Herout
On terpenes. XXXIV. A contribution to the constitution of chamazulene
pp. 658-664
V. Herout, M. Suchý, J. Plíva and F. Šorm
On terpenes. XXXV. cis- and trans-p-Menthane
pp. 665-675
F. Šantavý
Substanzen der Herbstzeitlose und ihre Derivate. XXII. Photochemische Produkte des Colchicins und einige seiner Derivate
pp. 676-688
F. Šantavý
Substanzen der Herbstzeitlose und ihre Derivate. XXVII. Beitrag zur Konstitution der Substanz F
pp. 689-695
M. Protiva and O. Exner
Antihistamine substances. XXI. Sulphonium analogues of antihistaminics of the ether series
pp. 696-702
V. Ettel, J. Liebster, M. Tadra and M. Kulhánek
The biochemical oxidation of volemitol. II.