- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1963, Volume 28, Issue 4
pp. 755-775
D. Papoušek and J. Plíva Computer calculation of quadratic molecular potential constans -
pp. 776-798
R. Zahradník, C. Párkányi, V. Horák and J. Koutecký An experimental and theoretical study of the reactivity and spectral properties of sulphur heterocycles derived from alternant hydrocarbons -
pp. 799-807
Z. Herman and V. Čermák Mass spectrometric investigation of the reactions of ions and excited neutral particles in mixtures containing mercury vapour -
pp. 808-828
D. Konrád and A. A. Vlček Polarographic study of the cobalt(II)-cobalt(III) ethylenediamine system -
pp. 829-837
P. Zuman and Süe-Yuan Tang Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. III. Reduction of the C-S(+) bond in methyl butyl phenacyl sulfonium perchlorate -
pp. 838-847
R. Kalvoda and G. Budnikov Oszillopolarographisches Verhalten einiger Carbonylverbindungen -
pp. 848-854
M. Přibyl and Z. Slovák Spektralphotometrische Bestimmung kleiner Methanolmengen -
pp. 855-862
V. Hach, V. Kvita and J. Kolínský Antimikrobiell wirksame Derivate der p-Dichloracetamidobenzoesäure -
pp. 863-868
Z. Arnold Synthetische Reaktionen von Dimethylformamid XVI. Formylierung von γ-Picolin -
pp. 869-881
Z. Arnold and A. Holý Synthetische Reaktionen von Dimethylformamid XVII. Darstellung von Acylmalondialdehyden durch Formylierung von Trimethiniumsalzen -
pp. 882-886
J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXX. The synthesis of psicofuranine -
pp. 887-897
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. IV. Preparation of diribonucleotides uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine-5' phosphate, 6-azauridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine-5' phosphate and uridylyl-(5'→3')-cytidine-5' phosphate -
pp. 898-903
A. Černý and M. Semonský Mutterkornalkaloide XXV. Über einige N-(D-1,6-dimethylergolin(I)-yl-8)-N'-substituierte Harnstoffe -
pp. 904-934
R. Zahradník and J. Koutecký Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. II. Study of the derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons by the simple MO-LCAO method -
pp. 935-941
O. Exner Characteristic vibrations of the sulfonyl group -
pp. 942-949
Z. Knor and V. Ponec Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films. VII. Adsorption of krypton and hydrogen on thermally non-stabilized nickel films -
pp. 950-956
E. Prokopová and P. Munk Behaviour of macromolecules in solution. III. Binding of small molecules to interacting macromolecules -
pp. 957-971
E. Prokopová and P. Munk Protein interactions. XXXVII. Interaction of dyes with native and heat-denatured human serum albumins -
pp. 972-984
P. Kratochvíl, P. Munk, Š. Štokrová, J. Šponar and B. Sedláček Protein interactions. XXXVIII. Retardation of aggregation of heat-denatured human serum albumin by previous heating -
pp. 985-990
I. Sláma Azidobasische Reaktion von Kupfer(II)-Ionen in einer Alkalinitratschmelze -
pp. 991-996
K. Setínek and B. Rathouský Apparat für die Differentialthermoanalyse unter Druck sowie mit Gasdurchspülung des untersuchten Stoffes -
pp. 997-1006
V. P. Gladyshev Oscillographic investigation of the behaviour of persulfate anion on mercury dropping electrode -
pp. 1007-1015
J. Pašek Reaktionen von Aminen an sauren Katalysatoren I. Mechanismus der Kondensation des Anilins zu Diphenylamin an aktivem Aluminiumoxyd und Aluminiumoxyd-Borsäure-Katalysator -
pp. 1016-1021
J. Kloubek and A. Marhoul Über die Darstellung der Aryl-N,N-bis-(2-hydroxyäthyl)sulfonamide und die Bildung der Arylsulfomorpholide -
pp. 1022-1030
I. Ernest, J. O. Jílek, Z. J. Vejdělek and M. Protiva Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXVI. Über einige neue (-)-Methylreserpat-Ester -
pp. 1031-1043
M. Rajšner, E. Adlerová and M. Protiva Synthetische Analgetika IV. N-substituierte Piperidine und 4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine -
pp. 1044-1051
D. Grünberger and F. Šorm Relationship between 8-azaguanine-containing ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis in Bacillus cereus -
pp. 1052-1059
J. Pintera The enzymic formation of haptoglobin -
pp. 1060-1062
J. Žemlička Reactions of dimethylformamide acetals with some heterocyclic systems -
pp. 1063-1065
Z. Drbálek and J. Vávra Einfluss des Zusatzes von Polyvinylalkohol bei der Herstellung des magnetisch harten γ-Eisen(III)-oxyds auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften des Endproduktes -
pp. 1065-1069
M. Zaduban Untersuchung der Jodidadsorption an mit Silber aktiviertem Silberjodid unter Zuhilfenahme von 131J -
pp. 1069-1072
I. Sláma Reaktion von Kobalt(II)-Ionen in einer Alkalinitratschmelze -
pp. 1073-1075
M. Matrka and F. Navrátil Über die Reaktion von N,N-Dimethylbenzidin mit salpetriger Säure -
pp. 1076-1079
J. Kloubek and A. Marhoul Über die Darstellung der Aryl-N,N-di(2-chloräthyl)sulfonamide und deren Reaktion mit Kaliumglykolat -
pp. 1080-1083
V. Zikán and M. Semonský Mutterkornalkaloide XXVI. Einige weitere N-(D-6-methyl-8-isoergolenyl)- und N-(D-6-methyl-8-ergolenyl)-N'-substituierte Harnstoffe -
pp. 1084-1086
J. Vrkoč, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CXLIX. The proof of position of cyclopentanone carbonyl group in acorone and its stereoisomers
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.