- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1963, Volume 28, Issue 9
pp. 2269-2279
J. Nývlt Über Kristallisation IV. Über die Kristallkeimbildung in Lösungen -
pp. 2280-2294
M. Horák, J. Šmejkal and J. Farkaš Infrared spectra of compounds containing a cyclopropane ring -
pp. 2295-2302
K. Mach Study of bridged structures in halogen derivatives of organo-aluminium compounds by means of infrared spectroscopy -
pp. 2303-2309
J. Pitra and Z. Čekan Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen VIII. Ableitung von Systemen für die Gegenstromverteilung -
pp. 2310-2317
V. Svoboda, O. Vilím and A. Kubíček Dien-Polymerisation mit Komplex-Katalysatoren I. Untersuchung des Polymerisationsverlaufes in stark viskosem Medium und Auswaschen des Katalysators im Dilatometer -
pp. 2318-2327
V. Jarolím, K. Hejno and F. Šorm Über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohle VII. Über einige weitere Inhaltsstoffe des Harzanteils des Montanwachses -
pp. 2328-2336
J. Horák Über Reaktionen von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid und seinen Derivaten I. Solvolyse von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid -
pp. 2337-2344
J. Fajkoš, J. Joska, J. Piťha and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXX. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 3,6-disubstituted 5β-B-norsteroids: Conformation of ring A -
pp. 2345-2355
L. Lábler and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXXI. The structure of concuressine and of some less polar alkaloids from Holarrhena antidysenterica WALL. -
pp. 2356-2364
Z. Zmrhal On proteins. LXXXII. Amino acid composition of beef trypsin -
pp. 2365-2375
A. Pískala Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXIV. Reaction of 5-azauracil (allantoxaidine) with diazomethane -
pp. 2376-2380
A. Pískala and J. Gut Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXV. A contribution to the reaction of ethyl orthoformate with urea -
pp. 2381-2386
A. Bergstein Manganese magnesium ferrites. IV. Oxygen nonstoichiometry of spinels MnxFe3-xO4+γ -
pp. 2387-2392
J. Dvořák and B. Matyska Thermal destruction of polychloroprene -
pp. 2393-2414
L. Sommer Titan(IV)-Chelate mit Chromotropsäure in wässrigen Lösungen -
pp. 2415-2433
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. VI. Synthesis of uridylyl-(3'→5')-uridine-3' phosphate, uridylyl-(3'→5')-cytidine-3' phosphate, cytidylyl-(3'→5')-uridine-3' phosphate, cytidylyl-(3'→5')-cytidine-3' phosphate and related compounds -
pp. 2434-2442
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. VII. Synthesis of uridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine-5'-diphosphate, uridylyl-(5'→3')-cytidine-5' diphosphate and 6-azauridylyl-(5'→3')-uridine-5' diphosphate -
pp. 2443-2454
V. Jarolím, K. Hejno and F. Šorm Über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohle VIII. Struktur einiger aus Montanwachs isolierter triterpenischer Verbindungen -
pp. 2455-2461
M. Hudlický and I. Lejhancová Organic compounds of fluorine. IV. Preparation of 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloro-2-bromoethane (halothane) -
pp. 2462-2478
K. Wiesner, M. Götz, D. L. Simmons and L. R. Fowler The structure of aconitine -
pp. 2479-2490
J. Arient, J. Dvořák and D. Šnobl Imidazol-Farbstoffe X. Über die Kondensation der 2,6- und 2,7-Dichlornaphthalin-1,4,5,8-tetracarbonsäure mit o-Phenylendiamin -
pp. 2491-2500
C. Párkányi and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXVI. The synthesis of deuterated uracil and thymine -
pp. 2501-2509
M. Prystaš and J. Gut Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXVIII. Reaction of ethyl nitroacetate with ethyl orthoformate and ureas. Synthesis of 5-nitrouracil and its derivatives -
pp. 2510-2513
M. Beran and S. Havelka Reduktionsreextraktion von Plutonium mittels Uran(IV)-sulfat und -Amidosulfonat -
pp. 2513-2517
K. Dušek Ionenaustauschergerüste V. Polyfunktionelle Vernetzungseinheiten enthaltende Styrol-Kopolymere -
pp. 2517-2520
A. Černý and M. Semonský Mutterkornalkaloide XXVIII. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Mechanismus der partiellen Isomerisierung der Mutterkornalkaloide vom Ergobasin-Typ -
pp. 2520-2523
J. Málek and R. Lukeš Darstellung von 1-Isopropenyl-1-cyclopenten -
pp. 2524-2527
M. Janda Chlormethylierung in der Thiophenreihe V. Über die Alkoxylierung von Thiophen -
pp. 2527-2529
J. Gut Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXVII. Acetylation of dihydro-6-azauracil and its N-methyl derivatives -
pp. 2530-2534
J. Slavík and L. Slavíková Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXV. Alkaloide aus Glaucium oxylobum BOISS. et BUHSE -
pp. 2534-2536
J. Arient and L. Havlíčková Imidazol-Farbstoffe XI. Über die Kondensation von Pyromellithsäure mit o-Phenylendiamin -
pp. 2537-2538
V. Habermann and E. Maidlová Studies on deoxyribonucleic acids. III. Distribution of purine nucleotides in the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule from calf thymus
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.