- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 2
pp. 388-398
W. Knoche, H. Wendt, M.-L. Ahrens and H. Strehlow Kinetik der Hydratation von Ninhydrin -
pp. 399-405
E. Kučera and V. Nikolajenko Studium der Produkte der Zersetzung von Nickel-Zink-Mischoxalaten im Vakuum -
pp. 406-414
M. M. Dubinin, O. Kadlec and A. Zukal Adsorption equilibria of water on NaX zeolite -
pp. 415-426
E. Erdös and M. Šišková Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes. I. General relations and simplified models -
pp. 427-434
E. Erdös and J. Bareš Direct conductometric microdetermination of sulfur dioxide at low concentrations in gases -
pp. 435-449
Z. Dolejšek, S. Hála, V. Hanuš and S. Landa Adamantane and its derivatives. VIII. Mass spectra of derivatives of adamantane formed by substitution at C(1) -
pp. 450-456
E. Smolková, L. Krištofíková, L. Feltl and O. Grubner Determination of the surface of powdery substances by the method of thermal desorption using organic vapours as the sorbates -
pp. 457-469
F. P. Dousek, J. Jansta and J. Říha Katalysatoren für die Elektroden von Brennstoffelementen I. Darstellung eines trockenen, nichtpyrophoren Nickelkatalysators aus Raney-Legierung und seine elektrochemischen Eigenschaften -
pp. 470-480
F. Štráfelda and J. Matoušek Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt X. Bezugselektroden für langdauernde Messungen bei durchgehendem Strom -
pp. 481-488
M. Ebert Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XVI. Halbmesser des Phosphitanions in der wässrigen Lösung von Dinatrium- und Dikaliumphosphit bei 25 ºC -
pp. 489-502
M. Šolc Kinetik der Reaktion des Stickoxids mit Sauerstoff II. Abweichungen von der Kinetik dritter Ordnung -
pp. 503-514
J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XLII. NMR spectra of certain vinylsilanes -
pp. 515-550
R. Krzewki and M. Smutek Systeme Pyridinbase-Wasser-Lösungsmittel I. Ternäre Systeme Pyridinbase-Wasser-Benzol -
pp. 551-565
A. Tkáč, V. Kellö and J. Hrivíková On the theory of macroradical termination. IV. Mechanism of termination of macroradicals -
pp. 566-575
L. Beránek and M. Kraus Catalytic dealkylation of alkylaromatic compounds. XIV. The effect of structure of monoalkylbenzenes on their reactivity in hydrodealkylation on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 576-585
H. Macháček, K. Kochloefl and M. Kraus Catalytic dealkylation of alkylaromatic compounds. XV. The effect of structure of alkylnaphthalenes on the rate of their hydrodealkylation on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 586-601
J. Hetflejš, F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XLIII. The effect of oxygenous substituents on alkaline solvolysis of organosilicon hydrides -
pp. 602-621
R. W. Guthrie, W. A. Henry, H. Immer, C. M. Wong, Z. Valenta and K. Wiesner The total synthesis of the Garrya veatchii alkaloids -
pp. 622-639
M. Horák, J. Poláková, M. Jakoubková, J. Moravec and J. Plíva Studies of solute-solvent interactions. III. Solvation of donor-acceptor complexes of phenols with basic solvents -
pp. 640-648
R. Zahradník, J. Michl and J. Kopecký Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. V. Indacene-like hydrocarbons -
pp. 649-658
Z. Herman and V. Čermák Associative ionization in mixtures of carbon monoxide with sodium and potassium and the mechanism of associative ionization reactions -
pp. 659-673
B. Matyska, M. Švestka and K. Mach Interaction in the polymerisation system isoprene-solvent-aluminum bromide -
pp. 674-688
P. Jírů, J. Tichý and B. Wichterlová Kinetik der Oxidation des Methylalkohols zu Formaldehyd an einem Oxidkatalysator -
pp. 689-694
J. Čížek and K. Holub Beitrag zur Theorie der Folgereaktionen bei der Elektrolyse mit konstanter Stromdichte -
pp. 695-702
V. Kalous and Z. Pavlíček A contribution to the study of haptoglobin-haemoglobin interaction -
pp. 703-714
I. Smoler Polarographischer Diffusionsgrenzstrom - Experimentelle Bestimmung seiner absoluten Grösse -
pp. 715-734
J. Mrha Katalysatoren für die Elektroden der Brennstoffelemente II. Aktivkohle als Katalysator der Elektroreduktion des Sauerstoffes -
pp. 735-742
L. Pospíšil and J. Kůta Einfluss der Ionenstärke auf die Gleichgewichtskonstanten und die Dissoziationsgeschwindigkeit des Kadmiumkomplexes mit Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure -
pp. 743-750
M. Kůtová and M. Březina Studium des Charakters der polarographischen Proteindoppelwelle aus ihrer Abhängigkeit von den Konstanten der Tropfelelektrode und aus dem Verlauf der momentanen Ströme -
pp. 751-775
A. Regner and M. Novák Reaktionskinetik der Ammoniumnitratschmelze mit Calciumcarbonat -
pp. 776-781
M. Houda and F. Jošt Bestimmung von Siliciumdioxid neben Silicium -
pp. 782-787
M. Černoch Notes on the iodometric determination of reduced glutathione by the method of Binet and Weller -
pp. 788-805
S. I. Zhdanov and B. A. Kiselev Mechanism of reduction of elemental sulfur with the dropping mercury electrode -
pp. 806-813
A. N. Frumkin, G. N. Mansurov, V. E. Kazarinov and N. A. Balashova Study of adsorption of cadmium cations on platinum electrode -
pp. 814-826
A. Calusaru and J. Kůta Proprietes polarographiques de la nitrohydroxylamine en solutions du Co II et mecanisme de catalyse -
pp. 827-834
I. Šestáková, P. Zuman and V. Horák Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulfur bonds. VIII. Elimination of β-piperidinoethyl phenyl sulfone methoiodide and reaction of phenyl vinyl sulfone with hydroxyl ions -
pp. 835-851
C. Párkányi, V. Horák, J. Pecka and R. Zahradník Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. X. An experimental and theoretical study of benzoyl derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons and some oxygen- and sulfur-containing heterocyclic analogues -
pp. 852-862
O. Grubner, M. Rálek and A. Zikánová Calculation of the mass-transfer coefficients by means of a more exact theory of gas-solid chromatography. I. Comparison of columns charged with glass spheres and materials of high internal porosity -
pp. 863-870
J. Vacík and J. Dvořák Effect of the inhomogeneity of the electric field on the shape of the zones in paper electrophoresis -
pp. 871-880
J. Saidl and J. Rálková Verhalten von Strontium und Cäsium bei der Fixierung radioaktiver Abfälle in Basalt -
pp. 881-901
L. Berák and J. Münich Barium sulfate activated for sorption of strontium by heat treatment with calcium sulfate -
pp. 902-907
Z. Pelzbauer, F. Jošt and V. Bažant Organosiliciumverbindungen XLIV. Bildung von Siliciumcarbid bei der direkten Synthese der Arylhalogensilane -
pp. 908-914
E. Hála Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XXXVI. System of unlimited number of components -
pp. 915-920
I. Sláma and A. Regner Mechanismus der Chloridionenoxydation mittels Ionen des dreiwertigen Thalliums in der eutektischen Schmelze von Lithium- und Kaliumchlorid -
pp. 921-927
F. Petrů, V. Brožek and B. Hájek Neue Phase in System Magnesium-Sauerstoff -
pp. 928-937
P. Drienovský Pyrolysis of vinylic polymers. I. Pyrolysis of atactic polypropylene under the atmospheres of hydrogen and nitrogen -
pp. 938-942
J. Balej and A. Regner Löslichkeitsdiagramm des Systems (NH4)2S2O8-Na2S2O8-H2O -
pp. 943-945
O. Kyseľ On the determination of the composition of binary mixtures
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.