- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 12
pp. 3931-3938
K. Spurný and J. P. Lodge, Jr. Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. XII. Filtration mechanisms of pore filters studied by means of electron microscopy -
pp. 3939-3945
R. Kalvoda Oscillographic polarography with rectangular alternating current. IV. Study of capacity phenomena at various rates of change of electrode potential -
pp. 3946-3959
F. Kaštánek and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. VI. General model of liquid residence time distribution in a column with plates -
pp. 3960-3969
M. Dressler and J. Janák Performance of the single-flame thermionic detector -
pp. 3970-3978
M. Dressler and J. Janák Discrimination between volatile, P, Cl, N, S and C containing compounds by means of a thermionic detector -
pp. 3979-3987
O. Manoušek, P. Zuman and O. Exner Quantitative treatment of substituent effects in polarography. VI. Polarographic reduction of benzonitriles m- and p-substituted with electronegative groups -
pp. 3988-3999
O. Manoušek, O. Exner and P. Zuman Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. X. Polarographic reduction of substituted methyl phenyl sulphones -
pp. 4000-4007
O. Manoušek, O. Exner and P. Zuman Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. XI. Polarographic reduction of substituted benzenesulphonamides -
pp. 4008-4026
I. Frič, V. Špirko and K. Bláha Amino acids and peptides. LXXXVII. Optical rotatory dispersion of some β-aryl α-amino acids and model compounds -
pp. 4027-4038
J. Závada, M. Svoboda and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. LIII. Steric course of cycloalkyl 'onium base eliminations: Direct evidence for the syn-anti elimination dichotomy using deuterium labelled cyclodecyl derivatives -
pp. 4039-4046
Ž. Procházka On steroids. CXIX. Transformation of steroids with plant material; Glucosidation of dehydroepiandrosterone -
pp. 4047-4053
Z. Veselý, J. Holubek and J. Trojánek Steroid derivatives. LVII. Oxidation of cyclic ethylenedithioketals of androstane series -
pp. 4054-4065
J. Tomko, Z. Votický, A. Vassová, G. Adam and K. Schreiber Über die Alkaloide von Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH. XVIII. Veramin, ein Veratrum-Alkaloid neuartigen Strukturtyps mit 17β-Methyl-18-nor-17-isospirosolan-Gerüst -
pp. 4066-4082
J. Slavík, L. Slavíková and L. Dolejš Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. XLII. Alkaloids of Roemeria refracta (STEV.) DC. -
pp. 4083-4088
P. Pitter Biological decomposability of surface-active alkyl polyethylene glycol ethers -
pp. 4089-4094
M. Bohdanecký, V. Petrus and P. Kratochvíl On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. X. Extraction of polyvinyl chloride by solvents and properties of the extracted substances in solutions -
pp. 4095-4103
E. Prokopová Reversible electrophoretic boundary spreading in solutions of polyelectrolytes. II. The effect of concentration and fractionation of polymethacrylic acid on its mobility in solutions of sodium chloride -
pp. 4104-4110
M. Bohdanecký, Z. Tuzar, M. Štoll and R. Chromeček Fractionation and molecular weight determination of poly(ethylene glycol methacrylate) -
pp. 4111-4119
V. Lisý, J. Škoda, I. Rychlík, J. Smrt, A. Holý and F. Šorm Changes in coding properties of poly- and oligonucleotides containing 6-azapyrimidine ribonucleosides -
pp. 4120-4124
J. Morávek, J. Kopecký and J. Škoda Thermic phosphorylations. VI. Formation of oligonucleotides from uridine 2'(3')-phosphate -
pp. 4125-4132
H. Šípalová and Z. Vodrážka Isolation of α- and β-chains of human globin -
pp. 4133-4140
Z. Bastl Effect of adsorption of gases on the Hall voltage and magnetoresistance of metallic films -
pp. 4141-4148
J. Tenygl Pneumatic polarography -
pp. 4149-4155
P. Jaderník, R. Holub and J. Pick Mutual solubility of water and acrylonitrile in the presence of inorganic salts -
pp. 4156-4163
M. Miadoková and L. Štetinová Einfluss von Calciumsaccharat auf die Kinetik des Lösens von Aluminium in Natriumhydroxid -
pp. 4164-4170
J. Novosad Studies on granular materials. V. Experimental determination of movement of granular materials mixed by a mechanical impeller -
pp. 4171-4177
F. Štráfelda and J. Kroftová Continuous enthalpiometric analysis. II. Analysis of hypochlorites in bleaching baths -
pp. 4178-4187
A. Bezděková and B. Buděšínský Spektrophotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion des Lanthans, Samariums, Gadoliniums und Kupfers(II) mit Diantipyrylazo -
pp. 4188-4197
L. Havelková and M. Bartušek Complexes of boric acid with o-diphenols -
pp. 4198-4214
A. Stefanović, J. Havel and L. Sommer On the reaction of iron(III) with maltol -
pp. 4215-4247
E. Chiacchierini, J. Havel and L. Sommer UO2-Complexes with phenolic ligands. XI. On the reaction of uranium(VI) with maltol -
pp. 4248-4263
A. Červenka, M. Marek, K. Šolc and P. Kratochvíl Study on dilute solutions of polyisobutylene in n-heptane -
pp. 4264-4272
E. Borsig, M. Lazár and M. Čapla Radical polymerisation of styrene in the presence of 1,1,2,2-tetraphenylcyclopentane and 3,3,4,4-tetraphenylhexane -
pp. 4273-4282
M. Matrka and J. Marhold Oxydation karzinogener Azofarbstoffe III. Oxydation von N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzol mittels Cer(IV)-sulfats -
pp. 4283-4289
J. Bernát and P. Kristian Isothiocyanates and their synthetic producers. I. The synthesis of 3,5-disubstituted tetrahydro-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thiones -
pp. 4290-4298
E. Kučerová, J. Panchartek and V. Štěrba Kinetik und Mechanismus der Azokupplung IV. Einfluss des Milieus auf die Kupplungskinetik substituierter Benzoldiazoniumkationen mit 2-Naphthol-6-sulfonsäure -
pp. 4299-4314
S. Chládek and J. Žemlička Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polynucleotides. V. Preparation of 2'(3')-O-(L-valylglycyl)-, 2'(3')-O-(L-lysylglycyl)-, and 2'(3')-O-(N-acetylglycyl)adenosine with the use of 2',3'-O-aminomethylethoxymethyleneadenosine as the key intermediate -
pp. 4315-4327
K. Šindelář and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. XXIX. Derivatives of 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1-benzothiepin -
pp. 4328-4336
I. Kompiš and J. Mokrý Alkaloids from Vinca minor L. XXI. The structure of vincaminoridine and vincoridine -
pp. 4337-4349
V. Schwarz, J. Zachová and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. LVIII. Synthesis of 17α-acetoxy-16-methylene-19-norpregn-4-ene-3,20-dione -
pp. 4350-4355
Z. Kučerová, J. Škoda, A. Holý and F. Šorm Factors affecting the cleavage of adenosine and uridine 5'-phosphites by the venom of Vipera russelli -
pp. 4356-4368
H. Votavová, J. Šponar and Z. Šormová Comparison of heterogeneity of deoxyribonucleic acids of different origin by the method of hyperchromic spectra -
pp. 4369-4378
J. Doskočil and V. Pačes The effect of azapyrimidine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides on the metabolism of thymidine and thymine in cultures of Escherichia coli -
pp. 4379-4382
V. Baran and O. Votoček Messung der magnetischen Suszeptibilität der durch Hydrolyse entstandenen Phase des Uran(IV)-Ions -
pp. 4382-4384
J. Mareček, K. Mocek and E. Erdös Reaktion des Schwefelwasserstoffs mit festen Sulfiten. Herstellung von Natrium- und Bariumpolysulfid im System Gas-Feststoff -
pp. 4385-4392
K. Spurný and J. P. Lodge, Jr. Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. XIII. Aerosol sampling and aerosol measurement by means of nuclear pore filters -
pp. 4393-4395
V. Medonos, V. Růžička, J. Kalina and A. Marhoul Chromatographic determination of glyoxal, methylglyoxal and biacetyl -
pp. 4395-4397
E. Prokopová The electrophoretic analysis of polyconjugated systems -
pp. 4397-4400
M. Bohdanecký A note to the determination of the temperature coefficient of unperturbed dimensions of the polymers -
pp. 4401-4406
D. Doskočilová, J. Štokr and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. XI. Molecular spectra and conformational structure of 2-chlorobutane -
pp. 4407-4415
J. Morávek, J. Kopecký and J. Škoda Thermic phosphorylations. V. Fractionation of products of thermic reaction of uridylic acid with uridine using gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography -
pp. 4416-4418
J. Myška, J. Staněk and M. Bomar Organische Herbicide IV. Einige neue 3-Chlorphenylthiocarbamidsäureester -
pp. 4419-4421
J. Schraml, E. G. Rochow, J. Cudlín and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXII. Characteristic contributions of the trimethylsilyl group to the shielding of cyclopropyl protons -
pp. 4422-4425
B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXIII. Acid-catalyzed solvolysis of trimethyl-tert-butoxysilane and hexamethyldisiloxane -
pp. 4426-4429
Z. Vrba and Z. J. Allan Sulfurierungen XIII. Über die Piria-Reaktion der 1- und 2-Nitronaphthaline -
pp. 4429-4433
Shô Itô, Toshio Ogino and J. Tomko Alkaloids of Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH. XX. Stereochemistry of veramarine
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.