- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 4
pp. 1055-1060
M. Šolc Alternative stochastic formulation of first-order reaction kinetics -
pp. 1061-1068
K. Smrček, M. Jeřábková and J. Pospíšil Laugen von Ni-Al- und Ag-Al-Raney-Legierungen in KOH -
pp. 1069-1073
J. Adámek Thermomolecular effect of gas mixtures -
pp. 1074-1080
J. Juliš and J. Dědek Integral molar adsorption heat in the system activated carbon-benzene at 20 ºC -
pp. 1081-1088
I. Žežula and K. Markušová Polarographic behaviour of halogen derivatives of alkyl- and arylstannanes. I. Study of dimethyldichlorostannane -
pp. 1089-1096
J. Kopoldová and L. Němcová Radiolysis of the aqueous solutions of selenomethionine -
pp. 1097-1105
J. Vejrosta, V. Kleňha and L. Beránek Kinetics of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions. VI. Competitive hydrogenation of o-alkylphenols on a nickel catalyst -
pp. 1106-1117
O. Wein, P. Mitschka and J. Ulbrecht Similarity of non-Newtonian flows. II. Automorphy, power-law models and the Reynolds number -
pp. 1118-1120
R. Beneš, J. Novák and Z. Šulcek Reaktion des Hydroxylamins mit Vanadinionen. Komplexe des Vanadats(V) mit Hydroxylamin und einigen Aminoalkoholen -
pp. 1121-1129
V. Stužka and V. Šimánek Oxazine als azidobasische Indikatoren XIV. Elektronenspektren von Benzophenoxazonen -
pp. 1130-1134
J. Králíček, J. Kondelíková and V. Kubánek The influence of substituents on polymerization of seven-membered lactams. V. Synthesis and polymerization of ε-hexylcaprolactam, ε-laurylcaprolactam and ε-isobutylcaprolactam -
pp. 1135-1142
M. Nepraš, M. Titz and V. Kratochvíl Anthraquinone dyestuffs. XIII. Electronic spectra of aminoanthraquinone derivatives in concentrated sulphuric acid medium -
pp. 1143-1149
J. Mindl and M. Večeřa Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. IV. Protonation of disubstituted derivatives of benzhydrol in aqueous sulphuric acid medium -
pp. 1150-1159
M. Livař, P. Hrnčiar and M. Macháčková On phthalides and indandiones. XLIII. The effect of substituents on the rate of rearrangement of 3-phenylmethylene-6-azaphthalides to 2-phenyl-5-aza-1,3-indandiones -
pp. 1160-1165
A. Perjéssy, D. Zacharová-Kalavská and M. Lácová Electroreduction of the enolate-anions of some 2-arylthio- and 2-aroxy-1,3-indandiones. Infrared spectra and structure of reduction products -
pp. 1166-1177
H. Naimie, Z. Samek, L. Dolejš and Z. Řeháček Über die flüchtigen Inhaltstoffe von Asa foetida; Zwei neuen natürlichen Schweffelverbindungen mit pestizider Wirkung -
pp. 1178-1185
B. Čásenský, J. Macháček and K. Abrham The chemistry of sodium alkoxyaluminum hydrides. II. Direct synthesis of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminum hydride -
pp. 1186-1194
M. Holub, O. Motl, Z. Samek and V. Herout On terpenes. CCXIV. The structure of two sesquiterpenic lactones, isomontanolide and acetylisomontanolide from Laserpitium siler L. -
pp. 1195-1206
K. Šindelář, E. Svátek, B. Kakáč, F. Hradil and M. Protiva Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs. III. Further synthetic experiments in the series of 1-benzothiepin derivatives -
pp. 1207-1217
I. Samohýl Use of Gibbs equation in irreversible thermodynamics. I. Gibbs and Gibbs-Duhem equations and definition of partial quantities in specific variables -
pp. 1218-1226
I. Samohýl Use of Gibbs equation in irreversible thermodynamics. II. Caloric equations for components and partial pressure -
pp. 1227-1232
P. Boháček, J. Novák and N. Ryšavá On the evaluation of homogeneity of standards -
pp. 1233-1239
J. Nováková, P. Jírů and V. Zavadil To the oxidation of propylene and acroleine on bismuth-molybdenum catalyst -
pp. 1240-1246
J. Tichý and J. Kůstka Sorption von Propylen an Wismutphosphormolybdänkatalysator -
pp. 1247-1260
J. Julák Thermische Zersetzung von Perjodaten der Metalle der II. A-Gruppe. Paramagnetismus der bei der thermischen Perjodatzersetzung anfallenden Zwischenprodukte -
pp. 1261-1266
Z. Štefanac, B. Švigir and M. Proštenik Ion selective properties of phospholipid membranes -
pp. 1267-1276
R. Caletka Sorption of the polyvalent elements on silica gel. I. Sorption of protactinium on silica gel from solutions of HCl and H2SO4 -
pp. 1277-1283
R. Přibil and J. Adam The extraction and photometric determination of iron as the complex with ethylenediamine-N-N'-bis-(o-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid -
pp. 1284-1294
P. Špaček and M. Kubín Partition coefficients and rates of diffusion of some model compounds in swollen poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gels of various porosity -
pp. 1295-1302
R. Přikryl, A. Tkáč and A. Staško Microheterogeneous catalytic system Ni(0)coll-Ni(I)-Ni(II) for low-pressure polymerization of butadiene. III. Electric conductivity of bimetallic complexes and paramagnetism -
pp. 1303-1318
P. Zach and S. Nešpůrek Electronic structure of arylamines. Electronic spectra and charge distributions -
pp. 1319-1326
A. Perjéssy, M. Vida, P. Hrnčiar and M. Lácová On phthalides and indandiones. XLVI. 1H-NMR spectra and substituent effects in 3-arylmethylenephthalides and 3-arylthiomethylenephthalides -
pp. 1327-1330
V. Štěrba and K. Valter Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XXIII. Relation between reactivity of substrate and value of reaction constant ρ during coupling with substituted benzenediazonium ions -
pp. 1331-1345
J. Gehlhaus, V. Černý and F. Šorm Über Steroide CXXXVII. Über Ringerweiterungsreaktionen von 3α,5-Cyclo-5α-cholestan-6-on mit Diazomethan -
pp. 1346-1355
K. Vokáč, Z. Samek, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCXV. Absolute configuration of artabsin -
pp. 1356-1370
J. Klinot, M. Buděšínský and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XXIV. Migration of the side chain during the acid catalysed isomerisation of unsaturated 3,4-seco derivatives -
pp. 1371-1380
Z. Kopicová, Z. Šedivý, F. Hradil and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. L. Derivatives of 1-(2-phenylthiobenzyl)piperazine and 1-(2-benzylbenzyl)piperazine -
pp. 1381-1391
F. Liška and V. Kubelka Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds. XII. Radical addition of trimethylamine and triethylamine to trifluorochloroethylene -
pp. 1392-1395
M. Krumpolc and V. Chvalovský Organogermanium compounds. XII. Synthesis of some trimethylgermyl-substituted alcohols -
pp. 1396-1400
I. Véle, V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXXII. Molecular complexes of phenylmethylchlorosilanes and vinylmethylchlorosilanes with bromine and iodine -
pp. 1401-1407
J. C. Holt, B. Meloun and F. Šorm Nitration by tetranitromethane of the complex of chymotrypsin with the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor -
pp. 1408-1411
J. Turková and O. Mikeš Reinvestigation of molecular weight of alkaline proteinase from Aspergillus flavus -
pp. 1412-1419
H. Votavová, J. Šponar and Z. Šormová Nonsatellite rapidly renaturing fraction of DNA from calf tissues -
pp. 1420-1424
I. Fořt Studies on mixing. XXXIV. A relation between the rate of homogenation of miscible liquids and the pumping capacity of a turbine mixer
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.