Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1972, 37, 3039-3041

Viscosimetric properties of the concentrated polymer solutions. II. Dependence of the non-Newtonian viscosity on the thermodynamic quality of the solvent and on its viscosity

O. Quadrat

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • O. Quadrat
    Dependence of viscosity on the concentration of polymer solutions. Use of the Lyons-Tobolsky equation
    1977, Vol. 42, Issue 5, pp. 1520–1528 [Abstract]
  • P. Bradna and O. Quadrat
    The flow activation energy of aqueous solutions of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(acrylamide)
    1977, Vol. 42, Issue 2, pp. 456–463 [Abstract]
  • D. Poupětová, O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    Non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute polystyrene solutions. Analysis in terms of Wolff's equation
    1976, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 209–219 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and J. Kroupa
    Free volume parameters of poly(dimethylsiloxane) from the viscosity measurements at very low temperatures
    1975, Vol. 40, Issue 10, pp. 2976–2981 [Abstract]
  • J. Mikešová and O. Quadrat
    Flow activation energy of dilute polymer solutions related to molecular parameters
    1975, Vol. 40, Issue 8, pp. 2461–2468 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    Use of Bueche's function in the analysis of the dependence of the viscosity of polydimethylsiloxane on molecular weight
    1974, Vol. 39, Issue 11, pp. 3082–3090 [Abstract]
  • J. Kroupa and O. Quadrat
    Free volume methods in the analysis of the viscosity-concentration dependence of poly(dimethylsiloxane) solutions
    1974, Vol. 39, Issue 9, pp. 2601–2607 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    Non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymer. VI. Upturn effect of the non-Newtonian dependence of intrinsic viscosity for polyisobutylene solutions in a low-viscosity solvent
    1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 1033–1037 [Abstract]
  • J. Podnecká and O. Quadrat
    Viscometric properties of concentrated polymer solutions. III. Dependence of viscosity on temperature and determination of the parameters of Vogel's equation
    1973, Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp. 208–214 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and J. Podnecká
    Influence of the thermodynamic quality of a solvent upon the viscosity of moderately concentrated polystyrene solutions
    1972, Vol. 37, Issue 7, pp. 2402–2409 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    Investigation of the conditions of negative thixotropy of poly(methyl methacrylate) solutions in low-viscosity solvents. II. Quantitative analysis of the time dependences of viscosity
    1972, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 980–987 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    Investigation of the conditions of negative thixotropy of poly(methyl methacrylate) solutions in low-viscosity solvents. I. Influence of polymer concentration, temperature and thermodynamic quality of solvent
    1971, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 2042–2048 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. V. Non-Newtonian viscosity of poly(phenylsilsesquioxane) solutions in relation to the rigidity of the polymeric chain
    1970, Vol. 35, Issue 9, pp. 2564–2570 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. IV. The Huggins constant
    1970, Vol. 35, Issue 8, pp. 2505–2507 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. III. Effect of the polydispersity of polymers on the non-Newtonian viscosity
    1970, Vol. 35, Issue 4, pp. 1090–1095 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. II. The non-Newtonian viscosity of polystyrene solutions in relation to the thermodynamic quality of the solvent
    1968, Vol. 33, Issue 7, pp. 2130–2141 [Abstract]
  • P. Munk, M. Bohdanecký and O. Quadrat
    The Huggins constant of non-Newtonian solutions
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 353–355 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and P. Munk
    A modified zimm viscometer with a photoelectric recorder
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 11, pp. 3631–3637 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of polyamides. XV. Analysis of the dependence of viscosity on concentration of solutions of poly-ε-caprolactam in formic acid
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 2469–2478 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký
    On the structure and properties of polyamides. XIV. Intrinsic viscosity and polyelectrolyte expansion of poly-ε-caprolactam molecules in formic acid
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 2449–2468 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and Z. Švejda
    Sur le dosage de la glucine dans le béryl
    1950, Vol. 15, pp. 881–885 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and V. Včelák
    Sur un nouveau procédé d'attaque dans l'analyse du ferrophosphore
    1938, Vol. 10, pp. 583–592 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat
    Sur l'activité du professeur F. Wald en chimie analytique
    1931, Vol. 3, pp. 49–52 [Abstract]
  • O. Quadrat and J. Korecký
    Combinaisons complexes d'acides organiques avec l'hydroxyde d'aluminium
    1930, Vol. 2, pp. 169–184 [Abstract]