- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 12
pp. 3539-3543
V. Svoboda, F. Veselý, R. Holub and J. Pick Enthalpy data of liquids. II. The dependence of heats of vaporization of methanol, propanol, butanol, cyclohexane, cyclohexene, and benzene on temperature -
pp. 3544-3552
J. Klemeš, M. Dohnal and V. Vašek Study of integrated use of simulation algorithm in optimization of chemical processes -
pp. 3553-3560
V. Mareček and J. Honz Determination of the rate constant of electrochemical reaction in nonaqueous medium by the potentiostatic equilateral triangle pulse method -
pp. 3561-3570
J. Smolík and J. Vítovec Kinetics of the reaction between solid terephthalic acid and gaseous ammonia -
pp. 3571-3588
L. Antl and P. Schneider Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions. XI. Hydrogenolysis of cyclopropane on a palladium/alumina catalysts -
pp. 3589-3594
P. Pacák, J. Novák and I. Sláma Reactions in fused salts. VII. Oxidation of sulphite ions with oxygen in a melt of eutectic mixture of lithium and potassium chlorides -
pp. 3595-3599
P. Pacák and I. Sláma Reactions in fused salts. VIII. Reaction of iodate ions with iodide ions and with carbon dioxide in a melt of alkali nitrates -
pp. 3600-3609
I. Paseka and J. Balej Electrochemical properties of titanium carbide -
pp. 3610-3615
Z. Bukač and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. L. The activation effect of N,N-disubstituted amides of 3-oxoacids and dimers of substituted ketenes -
pp. 3616-3622
A. Mistr, V. Láznička and B. Šimák Organische lichtempfindliche Stoffe. V. Acylmethylenderivate heterocyclischer stickstoffhaltiger Basen als Sensibilisatoren lichtempfindlicher Polymerer -
pp. 3623-3626
V. Gregor and J. Stuchlík Chemistry of boranes. XXXIII. The synthesis of 8-bromo-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane(12) -
pp. 3627-3630
F. Jursík, D. Wollmanová and B. Hájek The synthesis and partial resolutions of tris(α-aminoisobutyrato(1-)-O,N)cobalt(III) -
pp. 3631-3636
M. Tichý Stereochemical studies. LXXV. Conformational equilibria in substituted 2-aminocyclohexanols and 2-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acids in hydroxylic medium -
pp. 3637-3641
O. Motl Plant substances. XXXVI. Components of Laserpitium siler L. fruits -
pp. 3642-3647
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XLV. Condensation of the triester-containing blocks in the ribo-series -
pp. 3648-3661
A. Vystrčil and Z. Blecha Triterpenes. XXXI. Absolute configuration at C(20) in 30-nor-20ξ-lupanol derivatives -
pp. 3662-3665
V. Preininger, V. Šimánek, L. Dolejš, O. Gašić, A. Němečková and F. Šantavý Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. LX. Isolation of a salt of (-)-N-methylstylopinium from plants of the genus Papaver L. -
pp. 3666-3674
J. Šrogl, M. Janda and I. Stibor Experiments in the furan series. XVI. Hydroxylation of the products of methoxylation of furan derivatives substituted in the position 3 -
pp. 3675-3684
Z. Pavlíček and V. Kalous A contribution to the study of two complexes of haemoglobin with haptoglobin -
pp. 3685-3693
J. Patočka, J. Bajgar and J. Bielavský Kinetics of hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine by oximes -
pp. 3694-3705
T. Boublík A first order perturbation theory of solutions -
pp. 3706-3714
T. Boublík A second order perturbation theory for systems with soft intermolecular repulsions -
pp. 3715-3724
O. Špalek and J. Balej Effect of halogenide ions and monovalent cations on the formation of a multilayer oxide on a platinum electrode -
pp. 3725-3741
F. Kaštánek and J. Zahradník Gas-liquid reactors. I. The residence time distribution in multistage bubble reactors -
pp. 3742-3748
J. Soukup, K. Kolomazník, V. Zapletal, V. Růžička and J. Prchlík Liquid distribution in trickle bed reactors. I. Spreading coefficient in randomly packed porous beds -
pp. 3749-3761
J. Červenka and V. Kolář Hydrodynamics of plate columns. X. Analysis of operation of sieve plates without downcomers -
pp. 3762-3768
M. J. Beneš and J. Peška Anionic polymerization of propiolonitrile -
pp. 3769-3772
J. Trekoval Preparation of individual butyl methacrylate mers by anionic oligomerization -
pp. 3773-3781
J. Kondelíková, J. Králíček and V. Kubánek Bislactams, their synthesis, polymerization and copolymerization with 6-caprolactam. II. Bislactams derived from 2,2'-alkylene-bis(cyclohexanones), their hydrolytic polymerization and copolymerization with 6-caprolactam -
pp. 3782-3789
F. Švec, J. Kálal, D. Knolová and M. Klímová Reaction of methacrylaldehyde-styrene copolymer IV. Reaction in the presence of amine salts and carboxylic acid -
pp. 3790-3800
K. Setínek and L. Beránek Kinetics and adsorption on acid catalysts. VI. The kinetics of vapour-phase reactions on ion exchanger catalysts containing active groups of different acidity -
pp. 3801-3810
J. Königstein and M. Fedoroňko Study of reaction kinetics of methylglyoxal in alkaline medium -
pp. 3811-3815
F. Jursík Optical stereospecificity in coordination of (S)-(+)-asparagine and (S)-(+)-glutamine in cobalt(III) complexes of the Co(N)3(O)3 type -
pp. 3816-3822
J. Dolanský, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský The effect of solvents on the selectivity of electrophilic reagents. III. The addition of dichlorocarbenes to olefins -
pp. 3823-3829
J. Dolanský, J. Včelák and V. Chvalovský The effect of solvents on the selectivity of electrophilic reagents. IV. Chlorination of aromatic hydrocarbons -
pp. 3830-3833
M. Čapka, P. Svoboda and J. Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. XII. Selective preparation of 1- and 2-trichlorosilyl-1-phenylethane by hydrosilylation -
pp. 3834-3836
P. Svoboda and J. Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. XIII. A new copper catalyst for cyanoethylation of trichlorosilane and methyldichlorosilane -
pp. 3837-3844
V. Fialová, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. CV. The effect of structure on the basicity of silylalkylamines -
pp. 3845-3851
R. Ponec and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. CVI. CT spectra as a means of the study of the origin of intramolecular interactions in allylsilanes -
pp. 3852-3856
V. Knoppová and M. Uher The reactivity of isothiocyanates containing a sulphur atom in addition to that in the functional group -
pp. 3857-3861
M. Němec, M. Janda and J. Šrogl Studies in the thiophene series. VI. Electrochemical brominations of methylthiophenes -
pp. 3862-3871
P. Jacquignon, A. Croisy, A. Ricci and D. Balucani Synthese et proprietes de 6H-[1]benzopyrano[4,3-b]-quinoleines et de 6H-[1]benzothiapyrano[4,3-b]-quinoleines -
pp. 3872-3875
B. Koutek, L. Pavlíčková and M. Souček Reaction of tertiary α-sulfonyl carbanion with α-bromocarbonyl compounds -
pp. 3876-3878
M. Píšová and M. Souček The reduction of benzoins to deoxybenzoins with Cr(II) -
pp. 3879-3901
K. Šindelář, M. Rajšner, I. Červená, V. Valenta, J. O. Jílek, K. Kakáč, J. Holubek, E. Svátek, F. Mikšík and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LXVII. 1-[4,4-Bis(4-fluorophenyl)butyl]-4-hydroxy-4-(3-trifluoromethyl-4-chlorophenyl)piperidine and related compounds: New synthetic approaches -
pp. 3902-3911
A. Vystrčil, V. Pouzar and V. Křeček Triterpenes. XXXII. Absolute configuration at C(20) in 29-substituted lupane derivatives -
pp. 3912-3931
A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLXII. Preparation of 6-methyl-2'-deoxyuridine and related compounds -
pp. 3932-3935
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XLVI. Synthesis of adenylyl-(5'→3')-uridylyl-(5'→5')-uridylyl-(3'→5')-adenosine -
pp. 3936-3939
J. Pacák, P. Drašar, D. Štropová, M. Černý and M. Buděšínský Syntheses with anhydro sugars. XVIII. Aminodideoxyfluorine derivatives of D-glucose -
pp. 3940-3943
J. Patočka and J. Bajgar Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase by O-isopropyl S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylthiophosphonate -
pp. 3944-3951
A. Čihák, J. Veselý and F. Šorm Metabolic alterations of liver regeneration. XI. Modulation of the uptake of orotic acid into ribonucleic acids in regenerating rat liver
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.