- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1975, Volume 40, Issue 3
pp. 587-596
M. Urban, S. Pavlík, V. Kellö and J. Mardiaková Interactions of ions. Ab initio SCF-MO-LCAO calculations of Li+-H2O-OH- with a minimal Gaussian basis set -
pp. 597-603
A. Rudajevová and V. Pour Study of magnetic changes in the interaction of hydrogen, oxygen and hydrogen sulphide on a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst -
pp. 604-633
V. Kubáň, L. Sommer and J. Havel Ni(II) metal chelates with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-4-methoxyphenol in solution - A combined graphical and numerical interpretation of absorbance curves -
pp. 634-646
M. Pánková and M. Tichý Cyclisation of N-benzoyl-O-methanesulphonyl derivatives of conformationally biased diequatorial 2-aminocyclohexanols -
pp. 647-657
M. Tichý and M. Pánková Diequatorial chair transition state in cyclisation of a diequatorial benzamido methanesulphonate -
pp. 658-661
V. Benešová, I. Beneš, H. M. Châu and V. Herout Diterpenoids from liverworts -
pp. 662-669
V. Justová and K. Bláha Proline- and 4-hydroxyproline-containing dipeptides -
pp. 670-680
R. Bognár, Gy. Gaál, P. Kerekes, A. Lévai, S. Makleit, F. Snatzke and G. Snatzke Chiroptical properties of morphinan derivatives -
pp. 681-694
J. Trojánek, Z. Koblicová, Z. Veselý, V. Suchan and J. Holubek Thermal decomposition of narceine imide methohydroxide -
pp. 695-698
A. Vassová and J. Tomko Isolation and determination of the structure of 20-(2-methyl-1-pyrrolin-5-yl)-4-pregnen-3-one -
pp. 699-704
V. Preininger, J. Veselý, O. Gašić, V. Šimánek and L. Dolejš Isolierung und Identifizierung der Alkaloide aus Corydalis sempervirens (L.) PERS. (C. glauca PURSCH) -
pp. 705-711
V. Šimánek, L. Hruban, V. Preininger, A. Němečková and A. Klásek Emde degradation of some rhoeadine and isorhoeadine derivatives -
pp. 712-718
T. Kametani, K. Takahashi, K. Ogasawara, Chu Van Loc and K. Fukumoto Synthesis of (±)-glaziovine, a proaporphine alkaloid, through nitrenium intermediate -
pp. 719-737
M. Rajšner, J. Metyšová, E. Svátek, F. Mikšík and M. Protiva 2- And 3-fluoro derivatives of clorotepin and related compounds; 6- And 7-fluoro derivative of chlorprothixene -
pp. 738-752
A. Holý Preparation of orotidine, 2'-deoxyorotidine, and related compounds -
pp. 753-768
S. Pavelka and J. Kovář Interaction of liver alcohol dehydrogenase with protoberberine alkaloids -
pp. 769-774
O. Markovič, K. Heinrichová and B. Lenkey Pectolytic enzymes from banana -
pp. 775-780
L. M. Sirakov, J. Barthová, T. Barth, S. P. Ditzov, K. Jošt and I. Rychlík Affinity chromatography of insulin antibodies -
pp. 781-786
O. Procházka, J. Suška and J. Pick Phase equilibria in the methanol-water-1-butanol system -
pp. 787-793
J. Heinrich Activity coefficients in binary systems of perfectly miscible components -
pp. 794-798
S. Becker, H.-J. Kohler and C. Weiss Geometrieoptimierung kleiner Moleküle im Allvalenzelektronen-MO-Formalismus mit Hilfe der SIMPLEX- und Gradientenmethode -
pp. 799-808
R. Zahradník, P. Hobza and Z. Slanina Calculations of Henry constants and partition coefficients -
pp. 809-814
P. Hobza and R. Zahradník Semiempirical variation calculations on the interaction energy of two identical nonpolar systems -
pp. 815-818
J. Moravec, V. Šára and O. Vojtěch Vibrational spectra of solid solutions of barium and calcium sulphates -
pp. 819-826
W. Pasek, J. Volke and O. Manoušek Electrochemical reduction of benzoyl substituted barbituric acids in acid solutions -
pp. 827-839
J. Mareček, J. Bareš and E. Erdös Kinetics of the oxidation of the solid sodium sulphite by oxygen -
pp. 840-844
V. Múčka and J. Cabicar Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on a two-component catalyst NiO-ZnO with incorporated radionuclide 65Zn -
pp. 845-855
J. Prchlík, J. Soukup, V. Zapletal and V. Růžička Liquid distribution in reactors with randomly packed porous beds -
pp. 856-864
V. Rod and L. Strnadová The effect of interfacial convection on mass transfer in liquid-liquid systems -
pp. 865-874
J. Rychlý, L. Matisová-Rychlá and M. Lazár Ion-radical decomposition of hydroperoxides and peroxides on synthetic zeolites -
pp. 875-896
Nguyen-Duc Chuy, V. Chvalovský, J. Schraml, M. Mägi and E. Lippmaa Silicon-29, carbon-13 and proton NMR spectra of phenyl and benzyl substituted silanes -
pp. 897-904
J. Schraml, V. Chvalovský, M. Mägi and E. Lippmaa Carbon-13 and silicon-29 NMR spectra of substituted phenylsilanes -
pp. 905-912
M. Zaoral and F. Brtník Preparation of [1-β-mercaptopropionic acid, 8-homoarginine]-, and [1-β-mercaptopropionic acid, 8-D-homoarginine]-vasopressin -
pp. 913-919
A. Čihák Enhancement of uridine kinase activity in Escherichia coli B cultivated in the presence of metabolic inhibitors
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.