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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1976, 41, 2978-2986

Continuous hydrolysis of soluble starch by immobilized amyloglucosidase (E.C.

J. Kučera

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Kim Kyung Hoe, Chang Ho Nam: Pressure drop in a packed bed with a liquid of variable viscosity: The case of dextrin hydrolysis by immobilized glucoamylase. Biotech & Bioengineering 1986, 28, 452. <>
  • Fischer J., Hettwer W., Mansfeld H.‐W., Wahl G., Schellenberger A.: Polystyrolgebundene Glucoamylase: Kinetisches Verhalten des Enzyms aus Endomycopsis bispora gegenüber technischen Substratlösungen. Starch Stärke 1982, 34, 129. <>