- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1976, Volume 41, Issue 4
pp. 953-959
O. Dračka Irreversible follow-up reactions accelerated by electrode surface in galvanostatic current reversal methods -
pp. 960-967
J. Tiňo and V. Klimo The problem of spin contamination in UHF calculations for S = 1/2 -
pp. 968-977
J. Nováková, L. Kubelková and P. Jírů CoX zeolites and their exchange with deuterium -
pp. 978-995
O. Wein Creeping non-Newtonian flow around a rotating spindle -
pp. 996-1004
F. Vláčil and K. Drbal Extraction-chromatographic separation of boron on a column with stationary solution of 2,3-naphthalenediol and diphenylguanidine -
pp. 1005-1013
V. Řehák and J. Poskočil Photolysis of kryptocyanine in solutions -
pp. 1014-1023
R. Řeřicha and P. Svoboda IR spectrum of the zwitterionic analogue of Zeise's salt, [H2C=CHCH2NH3(+)PtCl3(-)] -
pp. 1024-1029
M. Čapka and J. Hetflejš Hydrosilylation of 1,3-butadiene catalysed with a cobalt(II) salt-sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride system -
pp. 1030-1034
Ľ. Mitterhauszerová, K. Kráľová and Ľ. Krasnec Study of the complex of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone with iodine -
pp. 1035-1041
M. Protiva, J. Němec and Z. Šedivý 1-(2,4,6-Trimethylbenzyl)piperazine and some of its 4-substituted derivatives: Synthesis and pharmacological screening -
pp. 1042-1049
A. Černý, K. Řežábek, M. Šeda, V. Trčka and M. Semonský D-6-Methyl-8-(β-aminoethyl)ergoline-I, its N(1)-methyl derivative and some of their Nβ-acyl derivatives -
pp. 1050-1055
V. Šimánek, V. Preininger and J. Lasovský The pseudobase formation in some isoquinoline alkaloids -
pp. 1056-1065
L. Eignerová and A. Kasal Intramolecular hydride shift in Oppenauer oxidation of some dihydroxy steroids -
pp. 1066-1072
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Preparation of some acylic juvenoidal analogues -
pp. 1073-1080
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Preparations of some para-substituted N-alkoxyalkylanilines and N-alkoxyacylanilides -
pp. 1081-1095
J. Kovář and S. Pavelka Characterization of binding site of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase for berberines and auramine O -
pp. 1096-1104
A. Čihák Properties of soluble and metal ion precipitated uridine kinases from calf brain -
pp. 1105-1110
R. Ponec SCF-CI perturbation theory of substituent effect - A note on Dewar F, M method -
pp. 1111-1120
P. Hobza and R. Zahradník Estimates of geometry of molecular complexes based on analysis of intermolecular forces -
pp. 1121-1126
Z. Kodejš and I. Sláma Reaction of chlorate and lead(II) ions in the medium of fused sodium chlorate -
pp. 1127-1136
V. Linek, F. Hovorka, M. Loučka and Z. Křivský A dynamic method of measuring the mass transfer coefficient for physical absorption in columns -
pp. 1137-1168
J. Voštová and L. Sommer Reactions of palladium with some heterocyclic azodyes -
pp. 1169-1176
F. Vláčil and K. Drbal Extraction of boron as its complex with 2,3-naphthalenediol -
pp. 1177-1181
V. Bekárek and J. Jirkovský A contribution to study of hydrogen bond and solvation of o-nitroaniline -
pp. 1182-1187
M. Uher, A. Rybár, A. Martvoň and J. Leško Reaction of isothiocyanates with diazomethane -
pp. 1188-1193
Jaroslav Jonas and P. Breinek Hydrogenolysis of acetals of 3-bromotetrahydrofuran series by ethereal solution of chloroalane -
pp. 1194-1199
V. Sváta and M. Procházka The formation of cis- and trans-isomers during prototropic isomerization -
pp. 1200-1207
J. Protiva and A. Vystrčil Reaction of amides of 28-lupanoic acid with lead tetraacetate and iodine mass spectra of 12-lupene derivatives -
pp. 1208-1211
P. Jacquignon and O. Perin-Roussel Nouveaux composes heterocycliques derives de l'aza-2 fluorene et de l'amino-7 aza-2 fluorene -
pp. 1212-1218
Do Cao Thang, E. H. Kossoff, P. Jacquignon and M. Dufour Molecules heterocycliques derives de l'amino-3 biphenyle -
pp. 1219-1224
H. Suguna and B. R. Pai Synthesis of tetrahydrogroenlandicine, a protoberberine alkaloid -
pp. 1225-1234
K. Hejno and F. Šorm Cyclic analogues of the insect juvenile hormone -
pp. 1235-1247
K. Hejno, L. Dolejš and F. Šorm Some other cyclic analogues of the insect juvenile hormone -
pp. 1248-1252
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Synthesis of some p-substituted alkoxyalkyl phenyl ethers -
pp. 1253-1256
K. Hejno and F. Šorm Aromatic ethers with the insect juvenile hormone activity -
pp. 1257-1264
J. Hlaváček, K. Poduška, F. Šorm and K. Sláma Amino acid derivatives with acyl and chloroacyl protecting groups-synthesis and insect juvenile hormone activity
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.