Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1976, 41, 978-995
Creeping non-Newtonian flow around a rotating spindle
O. Wein
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Mitschka P.: Simple conversion of Brookfield R.V.T. readings into viscosity functions. Rheol Acta 1982, 21, 207. <>
- Williams R. W.: On the secondary flow induced by spheres and discs rotating in elastico-viscous liquids. Rheol Acta 1980, 19, 548. <>
- Williams R. W.: Determination of viscometric data from the Brookfield R.V.T. viscometer. Rheol Acta 1979, 18, 345. <>
- Wein O.: Rotationsviskosimetrie mit kugelf�rmigen Spindeln. Rheol Acta 1977, 16, 248. <>
- Wein Ondra: The non-newtonian creeping flow around a rotating spheroidal spindle. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 1976, 1, 357. <>