- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1976, Volume 41, Issue 9
pp. 2457-2462
J. Balej Solid solutions in the systems (NH4)2S2O8-K2S2O8 and (NH4)2SO4-K2SO4 coexisting with saturated aqueous solutions -
pp. 2463-2472
E. Schwertnerová, D. M. Wagnerová and J. Vepřek-Šiška Catalytic effect of copper ions and chelates on the oxidation of ascorbic acid -
pp. 2473-2483
D. M. Wagnerová, E. Schwertnerová and J. Vepřek-Šiška Mechanism of inhibited oxidation of ascorbic acid by oxygen -
pp. 2484-2488
L. Mezník, J. Kábela and K. Dostál Reaktionen von Phosphorsäureamidoderivaten mit Formaldehyd -
pp. 2489-2497
M. Nepraš, M. Titz, V. Zvěřina and M. Matrka π-Electronic structure and charge-transfer spectra of π-complexes of monosubstituted 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazenes -
pp. 2498-2509
M. Hartman Diffusion model of gas and liquid mixing in bubble columns -
pp. 2510-2518
J. Poláček, V. Boháčková, Z. Pokorná and E. Sinkulová Polymer fractionation by column methods -
pp. 2519-2522
H. Balcar and J. Poláček Elution column fractionation of polyepichlorohydrin -
pp. 2523-2526
K. Stránský, J. Kohoutová and J. Souček Gas chromatographic separation of nongeminal divinylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxanes on silver nitrate-triethylene glycol -
pp. 2527-2532
K. Eckschlager Information content of quantitative analysis -
pp. 2533-2542
M. Hájek, J. Janků, J. Burkhard and L. Vodička NMR study of thia derivatives of adamantane with shift reagents -
pp. 2543-2555
O. M. O. Habib and J. Málek The effect of the structure of aromatic amides and aliphatic glycols on the rate of a metal ion-catalysed glycolytic reaction -
pp. 2556-2565
V. Macháček, V. Štěrba and A. Štěrbová Kinetics and mechanism of reaction of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene with 1-naphthol -
pp. 2566-2570
M. Remeš, J. Diviš, V. Zvěřina and M. Matrka N-Diazo coupling of 4-chlorobenzenediazonium chloride with α-amino acids -
pp. 2571-2576
R. Kada, J. Surá, J. Kováč, A. Jurášek and A. Arvay Synthesis and properties of 5-arylthio- and 5-arylsulphonyl-2-furancarboxylic acids -
pp. 2577-2581
A. Krutošíková and J. Kováč Some derivtives of 5-aryl-2-furancarboxylic acids -
pp. 2582-2591
A. Košturiak, S. Stankovianský and D. Zacharová-Kalavská A study of alakline hydrolysis of 3'- and 4'-substituted 3-phenyliminoxindole derivatives -
pp. 2592-2595
Š. Kučár Transformation of 3-deoxysaccharides in alkaline medium -
pp. 2596-2606
M. Marek, K. Kefurt, J. Staněk, jr and J. Jarý Partial methylation of methyl 2,6-dideoxy-α-D-ribo-hexopyranoside -
pp. 2607-2613
B. Koutek, L. Pavlíčková, J. Velek, V. Beránek and M. Souček Kinetics and mechanism of the formation of 4-benzylidene-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ones by alkaline hydrolysis of 4-hydroxybenzyl phenyl sulfones -
pp. 2614-2619
B. Koutek, L. Pavlíčková, J. Velek and M. Souček Preparation and reactions of 7-phenylsulfonyl- and 7-arylthioquinone methides -
pp. 2620-2629
Pavel Kočovský and V. Černý Preparation of some 5-methyl-19-nor-5β-cholestane derivatives -
pp. 2630-2637
H. Velgová and V. Černý 6,7-Secosteroids with potential biological activity -
pp. 2638-2645
S. Hynie and J. Smrt Effect of ethyl- and glycerol-1 ester of adenosine-5'-phosphate on the activity of adenylate cyclase, specific phosphodiesterase and protein kinase from rat liver and adipose tissue -
pp. 2646-2649
J. Patočka, J. Bajgar, J. Fusek and J. Bielavský Protective effect of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine on acetylcholinesterase inhibition by organophosphorus inhibitors -
pp. 2650-2656
K. Jelínek, F. Lešek and M. Sivoková Vapour-liquid equlibrium in binary water-1,2-propylene glycol, water-diethylene glycol and water-1,4-butandiol systems -
pp. 2657-2664
S. Nikl and J. Nývlt Correlation of solubilities in systems with components forming solid solutions; The system KBr-KCl-H2O -
pp. 2665-2668
A. V. Egorov and G. K. Lavrenchenko Joule-Thomson effects of argon, trifluoromonochloromethane and their mixtures -
pp. 2669-2675
A. Novák, M. Nepraš and M. Titz Absorption and polarisation electronic spectra of benzo- and dibenzoanthraquinones-9,10 -
pp. 2676-2681
M. Endršt, J. Červenka and V. Kolář Apparatus for mass and heat transfer in flowing liquid film. The effect of pressure on efficiency of flat packing in vacuum rectification -
pp. 2682-2689
O. Navrátil 4-(2-Thiazolylazo)resorcinol as an extraction agent -
pp. 2690-2695
V. Jiránek and R. Bluďovský Bestimmung von Quecksilberspurenmengen in ausgewählten Lebensmitteln mit der Neutronenaktivationsanalyse -
pp. 2696-2700
Ľ. Krasnec, A. Perjéssy and P. Hrnčiar Infrared spectra and transfer of polar effects in ortho-subtituted 2-benzylidene-1,3-indanediones -
pp. 2701-2707
M. Jakoubková, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský Proton acceptor ability of halogens in organosilicon compounds -
pp. 2708-2713
J. Včelák, L. Roman and V. Chvalovský The reactivity of fluorine in (ω-fluoroalkyl)-substituted silanes -
pp. 2714-2717
R. Ponec, E. A. Chernyshev, N. G. Tolstikova and V. Chvalovský Hyperconjugation in silaacenaphthenes -
pp. 2718-2723
M. G. Voronkov, V. P. Feshin, L. S. Romanenko, J. Pola and V. Chvalovský The manifestation of the α-effect in 35Cl-NQR spectra of RR'R'Si(CH3-nCln), (n = 1-3) -
pp. 2724-2736
O. M. O. Habib and J. Málek The activity of metal ions in catalytic esterification of aromatic carboxylic acids with aliphatic glycols -
pp. 2737-2743
A. Astruc, M. Astruc, D. Gonbeau and G. Pfister-Guillouzo Oxydation electrochimique de thiourees aliphatiques -
pp. 2744-2748
L. Lešetický, M. Flieger and E. Drahorádová Thermodynamics of E-Z-isomeration of β-alkyl-β-nitrostyrenes -
pp. 2749-2754
S. Bystrický, T. Sticzay, Š. Kučár and C. Peciar Conformation and chiroptical properties of γ-lactones of aldonic acids -
pp. 2755-2760
S. Doležal The synthesis of new derivatives and homologues of prostanoic acid -
pp. 2761-2764
V. Zikán, R. Kotva, K. Řežábek, M. Šeda, M. Aušková and M. Semonský Synthesis of nitrile and amide of D-6-methyl-8-isoergolin-I-ylacetic acid and of nitrile of D-isoergolin-II-ylacetic acid -
pp. 2765-2770
A. Černý, M. Krajcrová, M. Šeda, M. Aušková, K. Řežábek and M. Semonský Some 8-(β-alkylaminoethyl) and 8-(β-dialkylaminoethyl) derivatives of D-6-methyl- and D-1,6-dimethylergoline-I -
pp. 2771-2787
R. Smrž, J. O. Jílek, K. Šindelář, B. Kakáč, E. Svátek, J. Holubek, J. Grimová and M. Protiva 5(or 4)-Arylthio-2-methylthiopyrimidines as potential intermediates in the synthesis of tricyclic pyrimido systems -
pp. 2788-2811
V. Černý, A. Trka, J. Kohoutová, J. Smolíková and M. Buděšínský Base-catalyzed autoxidation of 3α,5-cyclo-5α-cholestan-6-one and 3α,5-cyclo-5α-cholestan-7-one -
pp. 2812-2815
H. Kovářová Comparison of biotransformation and lipid peroxidation activity of microsomal fractions isolated by Ca2+-binding and gel filtration on Sepharose 2B and their electron microscopic examination
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.