- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1977, Volume 42, Issue 9
pp. 2595-2606
M. Šípek, I. Samohýl and J. Pick Theory of the determination of diffusion coefficients by the one-compartment diafragm cell method -
pp. 2607-2614
V. Svoboda, J. Voňková, R. Holub and J. Pick Heats of vaporization of binary azeotropic mixtures containing aliphatic alcohols and hydrocarbons -
pp. 2615-2618
S. Bernatová and T. Boublík Excess thermodynamic functions in the carbon disulphide-cyclohexane system -
pp. 2619-2626
J. Smolík and J. Vítovec Condensation of supersaturated vapours of α- and β-naphtholes in the diffusion cloud chamber -
pp. 2627-2633
V. Holba and M. Talapka Effect of ionic strength and temperature on oxidation kinetics of cis-chloro-bis(ethylenediamine)isothiocyanatocobalt(III) ion with peroxodisulphate and periodate -
pp. 2634-2641
J. Poláček, J. Daňhelka and Z. Pokorná A fractionation efficiency study of the modified method of precipitation chromatography. Influence of fractionated polymer amount, flow rate, and temperature cycles -
pp. 2642-2650
F. Kaštánek, J. Kratochvíl, J. Pata and M. Rylek Gas holdup in bubbled beds of aqueous solutions of electrolytes -
pp. 2651-2665
J. Pata, F. Kaštánek, J. Kratochvíl and M. Rylek Interfacial area, mass transfer coefficient and porosity in aqueous solutions of ammonia reacting with carbon dioxide -
pp. 2666-2671
K. Ulbrich, L. Čech, J. Kálal and J. Kopeček Polymerization kinetics of N,N-diethylacrylamide -
pp. 2672-2679
M. Zbirovský and R. Seifert Synthesis of 5-(subst.imino)-1,3,4-dithiazolidine 3,3-dioxides by reaction of isothiocyanates with chloromethanesulfonamide -
pp. 2680-2685
M. Zbirovský, R. Seifert and Š. Truchlík Synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted 1,3,4-dithiazolidine 3,3-dioxides -
pp. 2686-2693
J. Slavík and L. Slavíková Minor alkaloids from Chelidonium majus L. -
pp. 2694-2700
D. Cech, H. Beerbaum and A. Holý A simple synthesis of 5-fluoro-2-pyrimidinone and its N1-substituted derivatives -
pp. 2701-2717
J. Vičar, P. Maloň, A. Trka, J. Smolíková, I. Frič and K. Bláha Synthesis and spectral properties of cyclotripeptides containing 2-azetidinecarboxylic acid or proline -
pp. 2718-2722
M. Parajková, J. Šimúth and J. Zelinka Characterization of products of phosphorolysis of Streptomyces aureofaciens ribosomal ribonucleic acid -
pp. 2723-2727
J. Bajgar and J. Patočka Molecular forms of rat brain hydrolases and their interaction with various inhibitors -
pp. 2728-2736
J. Čeleda and J. Žilková Surface tension as evidence for complex formation in strongly concentrated electrolyte solutions -
pp. 2737-2746
J. Balej, F. P. Dousek and J. Jansta Equilibrium potential difference of Na/Na(Hg) concentration cell at low amalgam concentrations in the medium of very dry propylene carbonate -
pp. 2747-2757
O. Špalek Gas diffusion electrode producing perhydroxyl ions: Calculation of concentration distribution of oxygen and HO2- ions in porous electrode particles -
pp. 2758-2766
P. Čársky and J. Málek CNDO/S and INDO/S calculations on small aluminium compounds -
pp. 2767-2771
Hanspeter Huber, J. Pancíř and P. Čársky Effective search for minima on the ab initio SCF energy hypersurfaces -
pp. 2772-2777
R. Ponec Perturbation theory of substituent effect -
pp. 2778-2785
O. Navrátil Extraktion einiger Metalle mit Hilfe von n-Alkylphenylphosphonsäure -
pp. 2786-2790
J. Vacík, M. Czaková, J. Exner, J. Kálal and J. Kopeček Permeability of metabolites through hydrophilic membranes -
pp. 2791-2797
M. Uhlíř, J. Hanika, K. Sporka and V. Růžička Preparation of a platinum catalyst on charcoal by reduction of chloroplatinic acid with hydrogen -
pp. 2798-2801
M. Jakoubková, Z. Papoušková, J. Pola and V. Chvalovský Proton acceptor ability of halides of the group IV A elements -
pp. 2802-2808
J. Bielavský Analogues of 9-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine -
pp. 2809-2814
J. Kubala and J. Rosík The structures of three neutral oligosaccharides obtained by partial acid hydrolysis -
pp. 2815-2818
O. Motl and B. Drożdż Components of Libanotis intermedia RUPR. fruits
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.