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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1978, 43, 216-223

The effect of gas distribution on hydrodynamic parameters of a bubble bed

Jindřich Zahradník and František Kaštánek

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  • Su Xuefeng, Heindel Theodore J.: Effect of Perforated Plate Open Area on Gas Holdup in Rayon Fiber Suspensions. Journal of Fluids Engineering 2005, 127, 816. <>
  • Zhong G.M., Grenier Ph., Meunier F., Hodges G.E., Lowe E.K., Paterson A.H.J., Berovi�� M., Koloini T., Olsvik E.S., Kristiansen B.: Influence des transferts intergranulaires sur la d��termination gravim��trique de la cin��tique d'adsorption. The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal 1993, 53, 147. <>
  • ZAHRADNIK J., KAŠT´NEK F.: GAS HOLDUP IN UNIFORMLY AERATED BUBBLE COLUMN REACTORS. Chemical Engineering Communications 1979, 3, 413. <>