- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1978, Volume 43, Issue 12
pp. 3123-3129
Jan Balej, František P. Dousek and Jiří Jansta Equilibrium potential difference of concentration cells Na/Na+-β-alumina/Na(Hg) in the region of diluted amalgams -
pp. 3130-3139
Otomar Kříž, Jiří Fusek and Petr Trška A study of the structure of sodium monohydro-tris(2-methoxyethoxo)borate -
pp. 3140-3147
Marián Kalina, František Pavelčík and Jaroslav Majer The crystal and molecular structure of potassium 2-hydroxy-1,3-propanediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetatocobaltate -
pp. 3148-3162
Jan Drbohlav, Ivan Fořt, Karel Máca and Jan Ptáček Turbulent characteristics of discharge flow from the turbine impeller -
pp. 3163-3178
Zdenka Klečková, Marie Langová and Josef Havel Spectrophotometric study of complex equilibria and determination of lead(II) with 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol -
pp. 3179-3191
Jan Schraml, Jaroslav Včelák, Václav Chvalovský, Günter Engelhardt, Harald Jancke, Luděk Vodička and Josef Hlavatý 29Si and 13C-NMR spectra and steric effects in mono- and bis(trimethylsiloxy)adamantanes -
pp. 3192-3201
Josef Pola and Václav Chvalovský An intramolecular interaction between halogen and silicon displayed in some physical properties of silylmethyl halides -
pp. 3202-3209
Jan Schraml, Nguyen-Duc Chuy, Petr Novák, Václav Chvalovský, Märt Mägi and Endel Lippmaa 29Si, 17O, 13C, and 1H-NMR spectra of acetoxyalkylsubstituted silanes (CH3)3-nXnSi(CH2)mOC(O3)CH3 -
pp. 3210-3226
Zdeněk Samek On the validity of the "cis/trans" lactone rule for allylic coupling constants of the α-exomethylene protons in natural sesquiterpenic α-exomethylene γ-lactones -
pp. 3227-3240
Otto Exner and Zdeněk Friedl Electrostatic effects on ionization equilibria. Carboxylic acids and amines derived from 1-indanone -
pp. 3241-3251
Karel Bláha, Petr Maloň, Miloš Tichý, Ivo Frič, Ramakrishnan Usha, Suryanarayana Ramakumar and Kailasam Venkatesan Crystal structure and chiroptical properties of (+)-(3S)-4-azatricyclo[4,3,1,03,7]decan-5-one -
pp. 3252-3257
Iva Sroková, Adolf Jurášek, Miloslava Dandárová and Jaroslav Kováč Synthesis and spectral properties of trisubstituted ethylenes of the 5-nitrofuran series -
pp. 3258-3262
Oľga Hritzová and Pavol Kristian Reaction of 4-substituted benzoyl isothiocyanates with N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and N,N'-diphenylcarbodiimide -
pp. 3263-3267
Robert Brežný and Anna Pufflerová Synthesis of 1,2-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)- and 1,2-bis(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1,3-propanediol -
pp. 3268-3278
Hubert Hřebabecký and Jiří Beránek 5'-Halogeno-2',3'-sulphites in the synthesis of 2',5'-dideoxy-5-fluorouridine and related analogues -
pp. 3279-3291
Jiřina Černá, Antonín Holý and Ivan Rychlík The stimulation of ribosomal peptidyl transferase by cytosine and its derivatives -
pp. 3292-3296
Rudolf Polák On the projection approach to interpretation of chemical valence concepts -
pp. 3297-3305
Horst Kinza and Ivo Paseka Zum Mechanismus der katalytischen Hydrierung von Stickstoff-Sauerstoffverbindungen -
pp. 3306-3316
Stanislav Luňák, Ahmed M. El-Wakil and Josef Vepřek-Šiška Autoxidation of sulfite catalysed by 3d transition metals and inhibited by 2-propanol; Mechanism of inhibited and induced reactions -
pp. 3317-3324
Miroslav Ebert, Ladislav Kavan and Milada Pelikánová Diphosphites of bivalent metals -
pp. 3325-3338
Záviš Holzbecher, Miloš Hejtmánek and Zdeněk Sobalík Phosphorimetric determination of beryllium with 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole -
pp. 3339-3346
Miroslav Bárta A theoretical investigation of the mechanism of photochromism of chromenes and spiropyrans -
pp. 3347-3355
Martin Čapka, Jan Schraml and Harold Jancke Synthesis and 29Si-, 13C-, and 31P-NMR spectra of (ω-diphenylphosphinoalkyl)trimethylsilanes -
pp. 3356-3364
Jiří Dědina, Jan Schraml, Zdeněk Arnold and Jana Šauliová Homonuclear Overhauser effect study of trimethinium salts -
pp. 3365-3372
Jan Schraml, Václav Chvalovský, Märt Mägi and Endel Lipmaa Silicon-29 and carbon-13 NMR spectra of the compounds of the type (CH3)3Si(CH2)mOR -
pp. 3373-3379
Josef Pola, Marie Jakoubková and Václav Chvalovský The oxygen basicity in siloxanes. Variable electronic effect of trimethylsiloxy group -
pp. 3380-3384
Josef Pola and Václav Chvalovský Variable electronic effect of trimethylsilyl group in trimethylsiloxyalkanes -
pp. 3385-3390
Josef Pola and Václav Chvalovský The electronic effect of hydrogen in alkoxysilanes HkSi(CH3)1(OCH3)m -
pp. 3391-3395
Josef Pola, Marie Jakoubková and Václav Chvalovský The extent of some intramolecular effects in triethoxy- and trimethoxysilanes -
pp. 3396-3403
Boris Šket and Marko Zupan Photochemistry of α-halo-substituted stilbenes -
pp. 3404-3408
Daniel Végh, Jaroslav Kováč and František Považanec Preparation and reactions of Z and E isomers of 5-nitro-2-furylvinyl azide -
pp. 3409-3413
Viera Knoppová, Rudolf Kada and Jaroslav Kováč Kinetics of nucleophilic replacement of 2,5-disubstituted furans -
pp. 3414-3419
Alfons Rybár, Ladislav Štibrányi and Ján Leško 7-(2,3-Epoxypropyl)-8-substituted theophyllines and their mass spectra -
pp. 3420-3427
František Kašpárek and Jiří Mollin Effect of substitution and medium on basic hydrolysis of amidophosphoric acids diphenyl esters -
pp. 3428-3432
Alžbeta Kardošová, Jozef Rosík and Jozef Kubala Neutral oligosaccharides from the enzyme hydrolysate of the polysaccharide of peach-tree gum (Prunus persica (L.) BATSCH) -
pp. 3433-3443
Jiří Joska and Jan Fajkoš 19-Hydroxysteroids substituted in position 6 -
pp. 3444-3465
Antonín Holý Synthesis of new mono- and disubstituted hydroxyalkyl and aminoalkyl derivatives of heterocyclic bases
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.