Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1979, 44, 1651-1656
The inhibitory effects of some adenosine nucleolipids on the lipolysis in rat epididymal fat pads in vitro
Sixtus Hyniea and Jiří Smrtb
a Institute of Pharmacology, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University, 128 00 Prague 2
b Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 166 10 Prague 6
3'-Oleolyl-2,3-dihydroxypropyl-AMP, 3'-stearoyl-2,3-dihydroxypropyl-AMP, octadecyl-AMP and palmitamidoethyl-AMP inhibited in comparison with adenosine or fatty acids much stronger the lipolysis in rat epididymal fat pads in vitro stimulated by isoproterenol, theophylline and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The inhibition of the effects of the two latter drugs suggest that the described effect is caused not only by the inhibition of the cyclic AMP production but also by the inhibition of its effect on the following steps in process of lipolysis.