- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1981, Volume 46, Issue 1
pp. 1-5
Jiří Vondrák and Jozef Zámečník The compressibility of sodium tungsten bronzes -
pp. 6-19
Viktor Kettman, Ján Garaj and Jaroslav Majer The crystal and molecular structure of tris(pentamethylenedithiocarbamate) chromium(III)-chloroform (1 : 2) -
pp. 20-30
Miloš Nepraš, Jürgen Fabian and Miloš Titz Interpretation of electronic spectra of linear polynuclear p-quinones by the method of configuration analysis -
pp. 31-39
Pavol Zahradník, Elena Ďurčíková and Jaroslav Leška Theoretical study of electron structure and stability of quasiaromatic analogues of azulene -
pp. 40-47
Pavel Kubáček Coulometry in resonator cavity of EPR spectrometer: Electrochemical oxidation of carbazole methyl derivatives -
pp. 48-51
Josef Chmelík, Jiří Kadleček and Vítěz Kalous Gradual exposure of cystine side-chain residues during urea denaturation of human serum albumin -
pp. 52-57
Karel Kuchynka, Jiří Fusek and Oldřich Štrouf Catalytic activity of transition metals in hydrogenolysis of ethane calculated by the simplex method -
pp. 58-64
Oldřich Štrouf and Jiří Fusek Simplex search for mathematical representation of chemical class structure -
pp. 65-71
Oldřich Štrouf, Jiří Fusek and Karel Kuchynka Modelling of catalytic activity of transition metals in hydrogenolysis of ethane by the pattern recognition approach -
pp. 72-78
Miloslav Hartman and Karel Svoboda Mass transfer between a moving gas stream and single particles of some important sorbents for sulphur dioxide -
pp. 79-85
Jaroslav Nývlt Kinetics of secondary nucleation with attrition and the mean size of product crystals from the continuous stirred crystalliser -
pp. 86-91
Václav Jiránek Use of silica gel as a carrier of standards in the neutron activation analysis -
pp. 92-100
Zdeněk Vrba Mechanism of the Ullmann condensation -
pp. 101-106
Josef Arient Symmetrical and unsymmetrical derivatives of distyrylbenzene -
pp. 107-117
Vladimír Pouzar and Miroslav Havel Preparation and absolute configuration at C(20) of 21-nor-5α-cholan-24→20-olide derivatives -
pp. 118-140
Karel Šindelář, Miroslav Ryska, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Jiřina Metyšová, Jiří Protiva and Miroslav Protiva Fluorinated tricyclic neuroleptics with prolonged action: 3-Fluoro-8-trifluoromethyl derivatives of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)- and 10-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazino]-10,11-dihydrodibenzo-[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 141-147
Václav Bártl, Jiřina Metyšová and Miroslav Protiva 2-Chloro-7-fluoro- and 2-chloro-3,7-difluoro-11-[4-(4-fluoroaralkyl)piperazino]-10,11-dihydrodibenzo-[b,f]thiepins and related compounds; Long acting tranquillizers -
pp. 148-160
Zdeněk Vejdělek, Emil Svátek, Jiří Holubek, Jan Metyš, Marie Bartošová and Miroslav Protiva Synthesis and pharmacological screening of 1-[2-tert-aminoethyl]-8-fluoro-5-[4-fluorophenyl]-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-1-benzazepines, their 1-[aminoacetyl] analogues and 1-substituted 9-fluoro-6-[4-fluorophenyl]-5,6-dihydro-4H-s-triazolo[4,3-a]-1-benzazepines -
pp. 161-172
Leopold Vyoral and Vladimír Míka Film absorption in liquids of different viscosities -
pp. 173-178
Werner Töpelmann, Berthold Thomas, Hans-Albert Lehmann, Lubomír Mezník, Josef Novosad and Karel Dostál Zur Hydrolyse von Trimetaphosphimat in alkalischen Lösungen -
pp. 179-193
Boris F. Minaev and Rudolf Zahradník Calculations of quartet state spectra for diatomic species by INDO CI method including spin-orbit coupling perturbation -
pp. 194-200
Marta Vojtíšková, Věra Jedináková and Libor Kuča Extraction of Am(III) by benzyldibutylamine from nitrate solutions of lanthanides -
pp. 201-218
Jaroslav Včelák The effect of solvents on the oxidation of butyraldehyde catalysed by ferrocene -
pp. 219-239
Hans-Joachim Timpe, Reinhard Dietrich, Jürgen Böckelmann, Ingrid Friedel, Horst Bögel and Günther Haucke Mechanismus der Photo-Umlagerung von Benzylarylethern -
pp. 240-245
Slavomír Bystrický, Tibor Sticzay, Mária Poláková and Michal Fedoroňko Study of D-glyceraldehyde by circular dichroism and ultraviolet spectroscopy -
pp. 246-255
Jaromír Kaválek, Milan Kotyk, Said El Bahaie and Vojeslav Štěrba Reactions of N-benzoyl isothiocyanate with anthranilic acid and methyl anthranilate -
pp. 256-261
Vladimír Macháček, Said El Bahaie and Vojeslav Štěrba Study of cyclization of 2-acetyl-3-methylamino-N-benzoyl-2-butenethioamide -
pp. 262-265
Miloslav Ferles, Michaela Šputová and Marian Tegza Reduction of 1-isoquinolyl-dimethylmethanol and 1-(1-isoquinolyl)cyclohexanol -
pp. 266-269
Oskar Markovič, Rudolf Kohn and Ondrej Luknár Preparation of high-molecular peptic acid by tomato pectinesterase -
pp. 270-277
Pavel Hrbas, Jiřina Slaninová, Tomislav Barth and František Franěk Cross-reactivity study of oxytocin antibodies with oxytocin and its analogues modified in the cyclic part of the molecule -
pp. 278-285
František Brtník, Tomislav Barth and Karel Jošt [7-Glycine]deamino-1-carba-vasopressin: Synthesis and pharmacological properties -
pp. 286-299
František Brtník, Milan Krojidlo, Tomislav Barth and Karel Jošt Synthesis of oxytocin, arginine-vasopressin and its deamino-analogue using 2,4,6-trimethylbenzyl group for protection of the cysteine sulfur -
pp. 300-302
Asja Šiševa, Ljuben M. Sirakov, Jiřina Slaninová and Tomislav Barth Biological activity of some insulin derivatives
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.