- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1986, Volume 51, Issue 5
pp. 967-972
Petr Duchek, Robert Ponec and Václav Chvalovský Influence of solvents on electrochemical reduction potentials of chlorosilanes -
pp. 973-981
Stanislav Luňák, Petr Sedlák and Josef Vepřek-Šiška Photolysis of hydrogen peroxide, photocatalytic effects of Cu(II) and reaction kinetics -
pp. 982-992
Jiří Čeleda On chemical form of H+ ion in aqueous solutions -
pp. 993-1000
Zdeněk Chmela, Jozef Čižmárik and Zdeněk Stránský Capillary isotachophoresis of piperidinoethylethers of the alkoxyphenylcarbamic acids -
pp. 1001-1015
Ivan Fořt, Vladimír Rogalewicz and Miroslav Richter Simulation of mechanically stirred two-phase liquid-gas flow -
pp. 1016-1026
Radomir Stevanović, Vladeta Pavasović, Dušan Simonović and Stevan Nemoda The study of pressure variations at the bottom of a vibrating plate extraction column -
pp. 1027-1039
Mirko Dohnal A versatile expert system Seneca in chemical and system engineering -
pp. 1040-1048
František Jursík, Jana Ondráčková and Bohumil Hájek Synthesis of the sym-fac-[Co(medien)(S)-Asp]+ isomer and its stereochemical comparison with other ternary cobalt(III) complexes containing (S)-aspartic acid and linear triamine -
pp. 1049-1060
Oľga Vollárová, Ján Benko and Ivana Matejeková Kinetics of oxidation of bis(ethylenediamine)mercaptoacetatocobalt(III) and cysteinatobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) ions by peroxodisulphate in aqueous-nonaqueous mixed solvents -
pp. 1061-1070
Štefan Marchalín, Jan Fähnrich, Milan Popl and Josef Kuthan New organic luminophores on the basis of cyano- and dicyanopyridines -
pp. 1071-1082
Maya D. Stefanova and Ivo Lang Fractionation of soluble portion of reductively alkylated bituminous coals -
pp. 1083-1085
Zdeněk Kafka and Luděk Vodička The Diels-Alder reaction of butadiene with hexacyclic olefins in the synthesis of triamantane -
pp. 1086-1093
Luděk Vodička, Jiří Burkhard and Josef Janků Reaction of hydroxydiamantanes with chloroethylenes in sulfuric acid -
pp. 1094-1099
Ivo Bláha and Ladislav Lešetický Preparation and Z-E isomerization of substituted nitrostyrenes -
pp. 1100-1111
Jaroslav Holeček, Karel Handlíř, Antonín Lyčka, T. K. Chattopadhyay, B. Majee and A. K. Kumar Preparation and infrared and 13C, 17O, and 119Sn NMR spectra of some substituted di- and tri(1-butyl)tin phenoxyacetates and phenylthioacetates -
pp. 1112-1118
Pavol Elečko, Štefan Toma, Miroslav Vrúbel and Eva Solčániová Reactivity of [m]ferrocenophanones: The aldol condensation -
pp. 1119-1126
Peter Kutschy, Milan Dzurilla, Ladislav Kniežo, Juraj Bernát, Ján Imrich, Pavol Kristian and Róbert Nádaskay Reactions of 3-butine-2-methyl-2-ol with isothiocyanates -
pp. 1127-1132
Ján Hrabovský, Jaroslav Kováč and Mária Kaprinayová 5-Nitro-2-thienylvinylation. Preparation of 2-substituted 1-(5-nitro-2-thienyl)ethylenes -
pp. 1133-1139
Jiří Svoboda, Jaroslav Paleček and Václav Dědek The synthesis of substituted 2H-1,2-benzothiazines 1,1-dioxides -
pp. 1140-1149
Jiří Křepelka, Antonín Černý, Rudolf Kotva, Jaroslav Vachek and Milan Mělka Some derivatives of 5-(2-amino-6-hydroxy-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-5-pyrimidinyl)pentanoic acid -
pp. 1150-1159
Rudolf Kohn and Ján Hirsch Binding of calcium, lead, and copper(II) cations to galactaric and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acids and to D-galacturonic acid and its derivatives -
pp. 1160-1169
Rudolf Kohn and Karol Tihlárik Binding of lead and copper(II) ions to starch and amylose 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.