Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1987, 52, 2359-2364
Grenzaktivitätskoeffizienten binärer ethylacetat-kohlenwasserstoff-systeme mit der kinetischen mitführung und der differentialebulliometrie
Michael Wobsta, Gerd Hradetzkya, Hans-Joachim Bittricha and Vladimír Dohnalb
a Sektion Chemie, Technische Hochschule “Carl Schorlemmer” Leuna-Merseburg, 4200 Merseburg, DDR
b Lehrstuhl Physikalische Chemie, Chemisch-technologische Hochschule Prag, 166 28 Prag 6, Tschechoslowakei
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Fernández Luís, Pérez Estefanía, Ortega Juan, Canosa José, Wisniak Jaime: Measurements of the Excess Properties and Vapor−Liquid Equilibria at 101.32 kPa for Mixtures of Ethyl Ethanoate + Alkanes (from C5 to C10). J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 5519. <>
- Collinet Eileen, Gmehling Jürgen: Activity coefficient at infinite dilution, azeotropic data, excess enthalpies and solid–liquid-equilibria for binary systems of alkanes and aromatics with esters. Fluid Phase Equilb 2005, 230, 131. <>
- Delcros S., Jiménez E., Romaní L., Roux A.H., Grolier J.-P.E., Kehiaian H.V.: Linear alkanoates + aromatic hydrocarbon binary mixtures: new excess enthalpy measurements and disquac analysis of thermodynamic properties. Fluid Phase Equilb 1995, 108, 135. <>
- Dohnal Vladimír, Horáková Iveta: A new variant of the Rayleigh distillation method for the determination of limiting activity coefficients. Fluid Phase Equilb 1991, 68, 173. <>
- Hradetzky G., Wobst M., Vopel H., Bittrlch H.-J.: Measurement of activity coefficients in highly dilute solutions part I. Fluid Phase Equilb 1990, 54, 133. <>