- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1987, Volume 52, Issue 2
pp. 251-257
Milan Zábranský, Vladimír Hynek, Jana Finkeová-Haštabová and František Veselý Heat capacities of six liquid esters as a function of temperature -
pp. 258-263
Elena Graczová, Táňa Huňarová and Július Surový A modified Gillespie still for measuring vapour-liquid equilibria -
pp. 264-270
Július Surový, Elena Graczová and Ján Dojčanský Measurement of vapour-liquid equilibrium data of liquids with low vapour pressure -
pp. 271-286
Jan Kloubek Interaction at interfaces and induction of surface free energy components -
pp. 287-298
Vojtěch Bekárek and Vojtěch Bekárek, Jr. Effect of medium on electronic spectra of 4-dimethylamino-ω-nitrostyrenes. Effective Kirkwood-Onsager functions of medium -
pp. 299-307
Begoña García and José M. Leal The pKBH+ calculation of strong bases: A revision of various methods -
pp. 308-315
Anastos Anastopoulos and Anastasia Christodoulou Determination of the adsorption film characteristics of alkyltriphenylphosphonium cations from time dependent capacitance measurements -
pp. 316-321
Eliška Kálalová, Marcela Bumbová and Libor Mastný Separation of platinum(IV) and rhenium(VII) in the process of working-up of deactivated reforming catalysts -
pp. 322-328
Petr Linhart, Oldřich Navrátil, Josef Havel and Milan Vrchlabský Extraction of scandium, cerium, promethium, and europium with dibutylphosphoric, bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric, and dioctylphosphoric acids in Freon 113 -
pp. 329-334
Alexandr Jegorov, Miroslav Ebert, Jan Weber and Pavel Janda Perfluorosulphonated polymers as new materials for IR spectroscopy -
pp. 335-347
Jindřich Zahradník, Rudolf Peter and František Kaštánek The effect of liquid phase properties on gas holdup in bubble column reactors -
pp. 348-356
Ulrich Schünemann, Detlef Höhne, Jiří Šmíd and Jürgen Neumann Neue konstruktion eines ringschergerätes -
pp. 357-371
František Rieger The pumping characteristics of screw rotors. I. The theory of calculation of the pumping capacity of screw rotors -
pp. 372-381
František Rieger The pumping characteristics of screw rotors. II. Measurement of pumping characteristics of screw rotors -
pp. 382-390
František Rieger The pumping characteristics of screw rotors. III. Verification of equation for the calculation of the pumping capacity of screw rotors -
pp. 391-394
Štefan Toma, Pavol Elečko, Jarmila Gažová and Eva Solčániová Diels-Alder reaction of acryloylferrocene with 1-phenyl-1,3-butadiene catalysed by homoionic forms of montmorillonite -
pp. 395-398
Štefan Toma, Martin Putala and Marta Sališová Ultrasound-accelerated synthesis of ferrocene-containing pyrimidine derivatives -
pp. 399-408
Stanislav Böhm and Josef Kuthan MO study of 2,2,4-trimethyl-2H-pyran, the simplest stable 2H-pyran derivative -
pp. 409-424
Zdeněk Friedl, Stanislav Böhm, Igor Goljer, Anna Piklerová, Daniela Poórová, Anna Ríčková and Jaroslav Kováč Polar effects on 13C NMR chemical shifts and rotational barriers of amides. A dual substituent parameters analysis of N,N-dimethyl-3-(5-substituted-2-furyl)-acrylamides -
pp. 425-430
Michal Rosenberg, Štefan Baláž, Ernest Šturdík and Anton Kuchár Reactivity of 2-furylethylenes with nucleophilic groups and its biological significance -
pp. 431-436
Štefan Baláž, Daniel Végh, Ernest Šturdík, Jozef Augustín, Tibor Liptaj and Jaroslav Kováč Substitution reactions of some (5-nitro-2-furyl)ethylene derivatives with thiols -
pp. 437-442
Ernest Šturdík, Marián Antalík and Ľudovít Drobnica Reversibility of reactions of phenylhydrazonopropanedinitriles with thiols -
pp. 443-452
Jozef Augustín and Štefan Baláž Kinetic analysis of competitive reactions of isothiocyanates with hydroxyl and alkoxide ions -
pp. 453-475
Miloš Buděšínský and David Šaman Identification of acyl groups occurring in sesquiterpene lactones: Proton and carbon-13 NMR study -
pp. 476-486
Ladislav Kohout, Helena Velgová, Miroslav Strnad and Miroslav Kamínek Brassino steroids with androstane and pregnane skeleton -
pp. 487-492
Jan Sejbal, Jiří Klinot and Alois Vystrčil Oxidation of 3β,28-lupanediol diacetate and lupane with peroxyacetic acid -
pp. 493-500
Jiří Klinot, Jiří Rozen, Eva Klinotová and Alois Vystrčil A-nor-derivatives of 19β,28-epoxy-18α-oleanane: Preparation and stereochemistry -
pp. 501-507
Jiří Protiva, Rudolf Očadlík, Eva Klinotová, Jiří Klinot and Alois Vystrčil Ethylene dithioketals in ring a of 19β,28-epoxy-18α-oleanane; Mass spectra and reduction with deuterated Raney-nickel -
pp. 508-513
Eva Táborská, Milena Mikešová, František Věžník and Jiří Slavík Alkaloids of the two Hypecoum L. species -
pp. 514-521
Jan Pospíšek and Karel Bláha Peptides containing a neopentylglycine residue -
pp. 522-524
Karel Hauzer, Tomislav Barth, Karel Jošt, Jana Barthová and Linda Hauzerová Endoprolylpeptidase (EC, improvement of the isolation method -
pp. 525-534
Marie Stiborová, Marta Doubravová, Alena Březinová and Aleš Friedrich Effect of heavy metal ions on barley ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase -
pp. 535-540
Ján Urban, Viliam Klimo and Jozef Tiňo Quasiclassical trajectory study of the CH2 + O2 reaction -
pp. 541-546
Vladimír Mlynárik A study of internal rotation in 2-furaldehyde through 13C relaxation times in the rotating frame
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.