- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1987, Volume 52, Issue 8
pp. 1888-1904
Miloslav Hošťálek and Ivan Fořt Model of vortex flow of charge in a vessel with turbine impeller -
pp. 1905-1914
Hana Zahradníková and Ludvík Beránek Pulse dynamic measurements of oxygen chemisorption on sulphided Co-Mo/Al2O3 catalyst – Effect of experimental conditions -
pp. 1915-1921
Charles Kappenstein and Juraj Černák The crystallochemistry of tetracyanocomplexes. The crystal and molecular structure of Cd(NH3)2Ni(CN)4.0·5 H2O -
pp. 1922-1927
Bohumil Masař, Pavel Schmidt, Hana Pivcová and Pavel Čefelín α-Aminoacyl derivatives of α,ω-diaminopoly(oxyethylene) -
pp. 1928-1984
František Tureček Stereochemistry of organic ions in the gas phase: A review -
pp. 1985-1991
Jan Schraml, Jaan Past, Jüri Puskar, Tõnis Pehk, Endel Lippmaa and Robert Brežný Assignment of 29Si NMR lines and determination of 29Si-13C coupling constants in pertrimethylsilylated lignin-related phenol-carboxylic acids by selective heteronuclear INADEQUATE method -
pp. 1992-1998
Jaromír Kaválek, Josef Jirman, Vladimír Macháček and Vojeslav Štěrba An anomalous effect of methyl group on acidity of acylthioureas -
pp. 1999-2004
Jaromír Kaválek, Vladimír Macháček, Gabriela Svobodová and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics of acid-catalyzed cyclization of substituted hydantoinamides to substituted hydantoins -
pp. 2005-2018
Milan Struhárik, Pavel Hrnčiar and Dušan Loos Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of mono- and dimethyl esters of 2,3- and 3,4-thiophenedicarboxylic acids, cyanothiophenecarboxylic acids and their dihydroanalogues -
pp. 2019-2027
Libor Červený, Nguyen Thi Du and Ivo Paseka Model reactions for the study of hydrogenation and acidic activity of palladium catalysts -
pp. 2028-2034
Josef Janků, Jiří Burkhard and Luděk Vodička Reaction of adamantanone, diamantanone, and their derivatives with thionyl chloride -
pp. 2035-2046
Stanislav Kafka, Jan Kytner, Alexandra Šilhánková and Miloslav Ferles Hydroboration of 1-(5-hexenyl)piperidine and trans–1-(3-hexenyl)piperidine -
pp. 2047-2056
Stanislav Kafka, Petr Trška, Jan Kytner, Petr Taufmann and Miloslav Ferles Hydroboration of N,N-dimethyl(2-vinylbenzyl)amine -
pp. 2057-2060
Ivan Stibor, Oldřich Kocián, Petr Holý and Jiří Závada Procedure for large-scale preparations of oligoethylene glycol toluenesulphonates -
pp. 2061-2069
Helmut Pischel, Antonín Holý, Jiří Veselý, Günther Wagner and Dieter Cech Hydrophilic 1-(carboxymethyl)-5-fluorouracil amides: Preparation and cytostatic activity -
pp. 2070-2082
Pavel Drašar and Jiří Beránek 2',3'-O-Carbonyl derivatives of 6-azauridine in the synthesis of its 5-substituted and 5'-deoxy derivatives -
pp. 2083-2086
Jacek Cybulski, Anna Scholl-Aleksandrowicz, Krystyna Wojtasiewicz and Jerzy T. Wróbel Stereochemistry and degradation of thionuphlutine S-methiodide -
pp. 2087-2094
Jiří Mollin, Kateřina Polášková, Želimíra Odlerová and Vojtěch Bekárek Acylated thioamides and related compounds as potential antituberculotics -
pp. 2095-2106
Vladimír Valenta and Miroslav Protiva Potential neuroleptics of the orthopramide series; Synthesis of N-substituted 5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-methoxybenzamides -
pp. 2107-2113
Marie Stiborová and Sylva Leblová Effect of heterocyclic compounds and 2-mercaptoethanol on rape alcohol dehydrogenase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.