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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1988, 53, 1018-1032

Conjugation within the oximino group: A semiquantitative estimation

Otto Exnera and Václav Jehličkab

a Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 166 10 Prague 6
b Department of Physical Chemistry, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6

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  • Všetečka Václav, Fruttero Roberta, Gasco Alberto, Exner Otto: Dipole moments and electron distribution of furoxans and furazans. Journal of Molecular Structure 1994, 324, 277. <>
  • Exner Otto: Electron distribution in the molecule of nitrones. J of Physical Organic Chem 1990, 3, 190. <>
  • Johnson James Elver, Todd Susan L., Ghafouripour Abdolkarim, Arfan Mohammad, Hamilton Walter S., Exner Otto: Configurations and dipole moments of O‐substituted hydroximoyl cyanides. Stereoelectronic effects in the ground state of oximino compounds. J of Physical Organic Chem 1990, 3, 316. <>
  • Exner Otto, Fruttero Roberta, Gasco Alberto: Mesomeric dipole moments. Part 12. Struct Chem 1990, 1, 417. <>
  • EXNER O., JEHLICKA V.: ChemInform Abstract: Oxime Derivatives. Part 11. Mesomeric Dipole Moments. Part 9. Conjugation Within the Oximino Group: A Semiquantitative Estimation. ChemInform 1988, 19. <>