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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1989, 54, 1118-1125

Alkaloids from Papaver rhoeas var. chelidonioides O. KUNTZE, P. confine JORD., and P. dubium L.

Jiří Slavík, Leonora Slavíková and Jitka Bochořáková

Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, J. E. Purkyně University, 662 43 Brno

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  • Ranjbaran M., Mirzaei P., Lotfi F., Behzadi S., Sahraei H.: Reduction of Metabolic Signs of Acute Stress in Male Mice by Papaver rhoaes Hydro-alcoholic Extract. Pakistan J. of Biological Sciences 2013, 16, 1016. <>
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  • SLAVIK J., SLAVIKOVA L., BOCHORAKOVA J.: ChemInform Abstract: Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. Part 88. Alkaloids from Papaver rhoeas var. chelidonioides O. Kuntze, P. confine Jord., and P. dubium L. ChemInform 1989, 20. <>