- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1992, Volume 57, Issue 10
Chemical Physics
pp. 2005-2011
Jan Schraml, Vratislav Blechta and Eduard Krahé Long-Range 2D INADEQUATE in Structure Determination
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 2012-2020
Vladimír Hejtmánek Geometric Factor in Skeletal Reactions of 2-Methylpentane on Stepped Surfaces of Platinum Catalyst
Physical Chemistry
pp. 2021-2041
Vladimír Kubíček, Jaroslav Matouš and Josef P. Novák Phase Equilibria in the Water-Methyl Alcohol-Methyl tert-Butyl Ether-Ethylene Glycol System -
pp. 2042-2052
Mohamed I. Ismail Polarographic Behaviour and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Some 5-Arylazopyrimidines of Biological Significance -
pp. 2053-2058
Václav Dušek and František Skopal Feedback Reactor and Nonlinear Regression Methods -
pp. 2059-2064
Vladislav Holba Activity Coefficients of Tetraalkylammonium Reineckates in Water and Water-Methanol Solutions -
pp. 2065-2072
Riaz Qadeer, Javed Hanif, Muhammad Saleem and Muhammad Afzal Selective Adsorption of Strontium on Activated Charcoal from Electrolytic Aqueous Solutions -
pp. 2073-2077
Khaliq Ahmed and Pronab Mistry Effect of Calcination Temperature on Nickel/Alumina Catalysts -
pp. 2078-2088
Mohinder S. Chauhan, Kishore C. Sharma, Sanjay Gupta, Suvarcha Chauhan and Vijay K. Syal Conductance and Viscometric Studies of Some Tetraalkylammonium and Sodium Salts in Acetonitrile-Dimethyl Sulfoxide Mixtures at 35 °C
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 2089-2094
Ladislav Svoboda and Leona Čáňová Sorption of Lead and Cadmium on Ostsorb P and Ostsorb SA-5 Cellulose Sorbents -
pp. 2095-2099
Dagmar Střešinková, František Halmo and Tibor Liptaj Computer Assisted 13C NMR Identification of Components of Complex Organic Mixtures: Byproducts in the Manufacture of Cyclohexanone
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 2100-2112
Vladimír Kudrna, Pavel Hasal and Andrzej Rochowiecki Stochastic Modelling of Particle Segregation in a Horizontal Drum Mixer -
pp. 2113-2124
Zdeněk Bělohlav and Josef Horák The Mathematical Model of Naphtha Steam Cracking -
pp. 2125-2134
Petr Stehlík and František Babinec Contribution to the Research and Development of Radiation Chambers in Steam Reforming. Problem-Oriented Application of a Fuzzy Expert System -
pp. 2135-2144
Pavel Zavřel, Petr Svoboda and Jiří Hetflejš Hydrogenation of Fatty Acid Esters. I. Nickel(II) Carboxylate-Sodium Dihydridobis(2-methoxyethoxo)aluminate Catalyst
Macromolecular Science
pp. 2145-2150
Vlastimil Kůdela, Klaus Richau, Hans-Hartmut Schwarz and Dieter Paul Electrochemical Behaviour of Polyelectrolyte Complex Membranes -
pp. 2151-2156
Peter Chabreček, Ladislav Šoltés, Hynek Hradec, Jiří Filip and Eduard Orviský Preparation and Characterization of the High Molecular Weight [3H]Hyaluronic Acid
Organic Chemistry
pp. 2157-2165
Katarína Špirková, Pavel Bobáľ, Miloslava Dandárová and Juraj Alföldi Preparation and Properties of Chalcones of the Furan Series -
pp. 2166-2173
Alexander Kasal, Richard Hampl, Zdeněk Putz, Ladislav Kohout and Luboslav Stárka Preparation and Properties of Three Immunogens with a Spacer on the β-Side of the Steroid Skeleton and the Effect of Immunogen Structure on Specificity of the Obtained Antisera
Bioorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry
pp. 2174-2180
Vladimír Mikeš A Kinetic Method for Determination of the Biosynthetic Activity of Glutamine Synthetase -
pp. 2181-2186
Jana Barthová, Hana Löfellmannová and Karel Beneš Substrate Specificity of Carboxylesterase from Vicia faba Roots -
pp. 2187-2191
Jiří Jiráček, Tomislav Barth, Jiří Velek, Ivo Bláha, Jan Pospíšek and Ivan Svoboda Purification of Penicillin Amidohydrolase, an Enzyme for Semisynthetic Procedures -
pp. 2192-2198
Josef Chmelík, Petr Kálal and Vítěz Kalous A Spectrophotometric Study of Reversibility of Human Mercaptoalbumin Denaturation by Urea
New Compounds
pp. 2199-2202
M. F. Ismail, A. A. Elkhamry, F. S. Sayed, S. A. Emara and A. A. Shindy Reactions of 4-Aroyl-3-chloro-6-phenylpyridazines with Some Nucleophilic Reagents, Synthesis of Some Fused Pyridazine Derivatives -
pp. 2203-2207
Katarína Špirková and Štefan Stankovský New Substituted Difurylchalcones
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.