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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1992, 57, 901-908

Reductive Amination of Diethylene Glycol to Morpholine over Supported Nickel Catalysts: Zeolites as Catalyst Admixtures

Květa Jirátováa, Hana Šnajdaufováa, Lenka Morávkováa and Ludmila Kubelkováb

a Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 165 02 Prague 6-Suchdol
b J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 182 23 Prague 8

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Zamlynny Volodymyr, Kubelková Ludmila, Babůrek Evžen, Jirátová Květa, Nováková Jana: Amination of cyclohexanol over metallosilicate-based materials. Applied Catalysis A: General 1998, 169, 119. <>
  • ��olcov�� Olga, Jir��tov�� Kv��ta, Klemm LeRoy H., Perez Zurita M.Josefina, Henriquez Irene S., Goldwasser Mireya R., Cubeiro M.Luisa, Bond Geoffrey C.: Role of the support of the nickel catalyst in the synthesis of morpholine from diethylene glycol and ammonia. Journal of Molecular Catalysis 1994, 88, 193. <>