Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2004, 69, 141-176

Convergence Behavior of Symmetry-Adapted Perturbation Expansions for Excited States. A Model Study of Interactions Involving a Triplet Helium Atom

Michał Przybytek, Konrad Patkowski and Bogumił Jeziorski*

Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Robert Moszynski, Piotr S. Żuchowski and Bogumił Jeziorski*
    Time-Independent Coupled-Cluster Theory of the Polarization Propagator
    2005, Vol. 70, Issue 8, pp. 1109–1132 [Abstract]
  • Małgorzata Jeziorska, Robert Bukowski, Wojciech Cencek, Michał Jaszuński, Bogumił Jeziorski* and Krzysztof Szalewicz
    On the Performance of Bond Functions and Basis Set Extrapolation Techniques in High-Accuracy Calculations of Interatomic Potentials. A Helium Dimer Study
    2003, Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 463–488 [Abstract]