- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2007, Volume 72, Issue 1
pp. 1-14
Jörg Stanzel, Emad F. Aziz, Matthias Neeb* and Wolfgang Eberhardt Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Small Anionic Copper-Carbonyl Clusters -
pp. 15-50
Wolfgang Förner* and Hassan M. Badawi Comparison of the Conformational Stability for Several Vinylhalomethanes and Silanes with Experiment Using MP2 Perturbation Theory and DFT -
pp. 51-63
Peter Politzer*, Jane S. Murray, Monica C. Concha and Ping Jin An Operational Definition of Relative Hardness -
pp. 64-82
Vladimir Kellö* and Andrzej J. Sadlej The Nuclear Quadrupole Moment of 14N from Accurate Electric Field Gradient Calculations and Microwave Spectra of NP Molecule -
pp. 83-99
Hanka Sormova, Roberto Linguerri, Pavel Rosmus*, Jürgen Fabian and Najia Komiha On the Electronic States of S4+ and S4- Isomers -
pp. 100-120
Josef Paldus* and Xiangzhu Li Correction for Triples in Reduced Multireference Coupled-Cluster Approaches -
pp. 121-128
Stefan Vajda*, Gary P. Wiederrecht, Alexandre Bouhelier, George Y. Tikhonov, Nancy Tomczyk, Byeongdu Lee, Sönke Seifert and Randall E. Winans Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Produced by the Assembly of Size-Selected Clusters: Covering the Full Visible Wavelength Range in the Smallest Particle Size Regime
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.