- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2008, Volume 73, Issue 5
pp. 591-607
Lucie Sihelniková, Stanislav Kozmon and Igor Tvaroška* DFT and Docking Study of Potential Transition State Analogue Inhibitors of Glycosyltransferases -
pp. 608-615
Petr Kolenko*, Tereza Skálová, Jan Dohnálek and Jindřich Hašek L-Fucose in Crystal Structures of IgG-Fc: Reinterpretation of Experimental Data -
pp. 616-626
Jolanta Nieszporek*, Dorota Gugała-Fekner, Dorota Sieńko, Jadwiga Saba and Krzysztof Nieszporek Kinetics and Mechanism of Zn(II) Ion Electroreduction in the Presence of Vetranal -
pp. 627-636
Evgenija A. Djurendić, Marina P. Zaviš, Marija N. Sakač*, Vesna V. Kojić, Gordana M. Bogdanović and Katarina M. Penov Gaši Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some A,D-Ring Modified 16,17-Secoandrostane Derivatives -
pp. 637-648
Juan F. García*, Sebastián Sánchez, Vicente Bravo, Luc Rigal and Manuel Cuevas Acid Hydrolysis of Olive-Pruning Debris for D-Xylose Production -
pp. 649-656
Radomir Jasiński* and Andrzej Barański Regioselectivity of [2+3] Cycloaddition of Triphenylnitrone to Nitroethene - AM1/COSMO Computational Study -
pp. 657-664
Zuzana Sedláková, Hélène Sauton, Vladimír Hynek and Ivona Malijevská* Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in the Systems with an Ionic Liquid -
pp. 665-678
Petr Nauš, Martin Kuchař and Michal Hocek* Cytostatic and Antiviral 6-Arylpurine Ribonucleosides IX. Synthesis and Evaluation of 6-Substituted 3-Deazapurine Ribonucleosides -
pp. 679-689
Anil Kumar, Mukesh Paliwal, Rameshwar Ameta and Suresh C. Ameta* A Novel Route for Waste Water Treatment: Photo-Assisted Fenton Degradation of Naphthol Green B -
pp. 690-700
Kamil Parkan, Ondřej Vích, Hana Dvořáková and Ladislav Kniežo* Stereoselective Preparation of 2,3-Dideoxy-3-C-[(α-D-galactopyranosyl)methyl]-D-arabino-hexopyranose and 2,3-Dideoxy-3-C-[(α-D-galactopyranosyl)methyl]-L-arabino-hexopyranose -
pp. 701-704
Tomáš Elbert* and Bohuslav Černý Preparation of α-5-Aza-2'-deoxy-[6-3H]cytidine -
pp. 705-732
Jan Štambaský, Andrei V. Malkov* and Pavel Kočovský* Preparation of Boc-Protected Cinnamyl-Type Alcohols: A Comparison of the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling, Cross-Metathesis, and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Approaches and Their Merit in Parallel Synthesis
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.