- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2011, Volume 76, Issue 10
pp. 1163-1175
Pavel Zachař, Galina Petkova, David Sýkora and Vladimír Král* Selective oxygenation of α-olefins by means of metalloporphyrin catalysts mimicking cytochrome P-450 -
pp. 1177-1186
Feifei Shu, Shaoai Xie and Jinping Jia* Electrochemical determination of cadmium(II) using dithizone assisted ion transfer and eletrolyte dropping electrode -
pp. 1187-1198
Petr Jansa*, Viktor Kolman, Alexandra Kostinová, Martin Dračínský, Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová and Zlatko Janeba Efficient synthesis and biological properties of the 2′-trifluoromethyl analogues of acyclic nucleosides and acyclic nucleoside phosphonates -
pp. 1199-1222
Jakub Kaminský, Hana Dvořáková, Jan Štursa and Jitka Moravcová* Problems with a conformation assignment of aryl-substituted resorc[4]arenes -
pp. 1223-1238
Stanislaw F. Wnuk*, Jaidev A. K. Penjarla, Thao Dang, Alexander M. Mebel, Thomas Nauser and Christian Schöneich Modeling of the ribonucleotide reductases substrate reaction. Hydrogen atom abstraction by a thiyl free radical and detection of the ribosyl-based carbon radical by pulse radiolysis -
pp. 1239-1253
Stellios Arseniyadis, Mohan Mahesh, Paul McDaid, Thomas Hampel, Stephen G. Davey and Alan C. Spivey* Studies towards the N-acylative kinetic resolution of NOBIN -
pp. 1255-1261
Yakup Budak* and Esra Findik Unexpected lactonization accompanying addition of ethyl acetoacetate to chalcones derived from 3-acetylthiophene -
pp. 1263-1275
Aleš Daňhel*, Josino C. Moreira, Silvana Jacob and Jiří Barek Influence of the soil organic matter content on voltammetric determination of derivatised glyphosate in herbicide contaminated soils
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.