CCCC > Archive > Authors > Ivo Nezbeda
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Ivo Nezbeda
- Jan Jirsák* and Ivo Nezbeda
A note on scenarios of metastable water
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 5, pp. 593–605
- Milan Předota*, Ivo Nezbeda and Stanislav Pařez
Coarse-grained potential for interaction with a spherical colloidal particle and planar wall
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 5, pp. 527–545
- William R. Smith*, Magda Francová, Marian Kowalski and Ivo Nezbeda
Refrigeration cycle design for refrigerant mixtures by molecular simulation
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 383–391
- Filip Moučka and Ivo Nezbeda*
Partial molar volume of methanol in water: Effect of polarizability
2009, Vol. 74, Issue 4, pp. 559–563
- Jan Jirsák* and Ivo Nezbeda
Fluid of Hard Spheres with a Modified Dipole: Simulation and Theory
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp. 541–557
- Michael Rouha*, Filip Moučka and Ivo Nezbeda
The Effect of Cross Interactions on Mixing Properties: Non-Lorentz-Berthelot Lennard-Jones Mixtures
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp. 533–540
- Jiří Kolafa, Filip Moučka and Ivo Nezbeda*
Handling Electrostatic Interactions in Molecular Simulations: A Systematic Study
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp. 481–506
- Jiří Škvor* and Ivo Nezbeda
On Universality of the Wrapping Percolation Transition
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 3, pp. 401–412
- Ivo Nezbeda, Stanislav Labík and Anatol Malijevský
Structure of hard body fluids. A critical compilation of selected computer simulation data
1989, Vol. 54, Issue 5, pp. 1137–1202
- Tomáš Boublík and Ivo Nezbeda
P-V-T behaviour of hard body fluids. Theory and experiment
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pp. 2301–2432
- Ivo Nezbeda, Jan Pavlíček and Stanislav Labík
Thermodynamic properties of pure hard sphere, spherocylinder and dumbell fluids
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 12, pp. 3555–3565