- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Jean Cadet
- Alexia Chollat-Namy, Didier Gasparutto, Jean Cadet and Alain Favier
Nucleic acid biosensors for real-time monitoring of DNA repair activites by FRET
Symposium Series 2005, Vol. 7, pp. 397–399 [Abstract]
Published online 2015-11-08 11:56:21 - Thibaut Michel, Didier Gasparutto, Christine Saint-Pierre and Jean Cadet
Synthesis of O6-hydroxyethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine adducts containing oligonucleotides for the evaluation of their mutagenic features
Symposium Series 2005, Vol. 7, pp. 343–346 [Abstract]
Published online 2015-11-08 11:55:05
The following name might also represent this author:
J. Cadet
- I. Girault, D. Molko, D. Shuker and J. Cadet
Synthesis of antigens, precursors of antibodies specific for 5-hydroxycytosine
1993, Vol. 58, Special Issue, pp. S75–S78 [Abstract] - T. Douki, L. Voituriez and J. Cadet
Photochemistry of d(CpT): Isolation and structure determination of the pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoadduct and of its Dewar valence isomer
1990, Vol. 55, Special Issue, pp. S277–S280 [Abstract]