- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Jozef Baxa
- Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Pyrolysis of methylcyclohexane
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 6, pp. 1527–1544 [Abstract] - Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Selektivität der heptan-spaltung bei scharfen pyrolysebedingungen
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pp. 2564–2573 [Abstract] - Ulrika Králíková, Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Kinetik der koksbildung bei der heptan-pyrolyse
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pp. 2553–2563 [Abstract] - Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Coke formation during the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons in the presence of sulphur compounds
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 12, pp. 2903–2909 [Abstract] - Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Effect of sulphur compounds on the heptane pyrolysis kinetics
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 12, pp. 2893–2902 [Abstract] - Martin Bajus, Jozef Baxa and Michal Maťaš
Pyrolysis of primary and hydrogenated kerosenes
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 9, pp. 2666–2675 [Abstract] - Martin Bajus and Jozef Baxa
Pyrolysis of unsubstituted bicyclic hydrocarbons and gas oil
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 7, pp. 1838–1847 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
J. Baxa
- Š. Korček, V. Veselý and J. Baxa
Über die Oxydation von Schmierölen XI. Zur Oxydationsbeständigkeit schweffelhaltiger viskoser Öle in Anwesenheit von 2,2'-Bisphenolen mit einer Schweffel- oder Selenbrücke
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 2, pp. 504–514 [Abstract] - Š. Korček, J. Baxa and V. Veselý
Über die Oxydation von Schmierölen IX. Zur Oxydationsbeständigkeit schwefelhaltiger viskoser Öle in Anwesenheit von Bis-(2-hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5-methylphenyl)methan
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 8, pp. 2458–2469 [Abstract]