- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
V. Preininger
- V. A. Mnatsakanyan, V. Preininger, V. Šimánek, J. Juřina, A. Klásek, L. Dolejš and F. Šantavý
Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from Papaver macrostomum BOISS. et HUET
1977, Vol. 42, Issue 4, pp. 1421–1430 [Abstract] - V. Šimánek, V. Preininger and J. Lasovský
The pseudobase formation in some isoquinoline alkaloids
1976, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 1050–1055 [Abstract] - V. Šimánek, L. Hruban, V. Preininger, A. Němečková and A. Klásek
Emde degradation of some rhoeadine and isorhoeadine derivatives
1975, Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 705–711 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, J. Veselý, O. Gašić, V. Šimánek and L. Dolejš
Isolierung und Identifizierung der Alkaloide aus Corydalis sempervirens (L.) PERS. (C. glauca PURSCH)
1975, Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 699–704 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, V. Šimánek, L. Dolejš, O. Gašić, A. Němečková and F. Šantavý
Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. LX. Isolation of a salt of (-)-N-methylstylopinium from plants of the genus Papaver L.
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3662–3665 [Abstract] - V. Šimánek, V. Preininger, S. Hegerová and F. Šantavý
The tautomerism of quaternary salts of isoquinoline type. The effect of the position and nature of electron donating substituents on the spectroscopic and polarographic behaviour of these substances
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 8, pp. 2746–2763 [Abstract] - V. Šimánek, V. Preininger, P. Sedmera and F. Šantavý
Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. XLVIII. Studies in exhaustive methylation of tetrahydroprotoberberine alkaloids and the structure of the alkaloids PO-4, PO-5, orientalidine and mecambridine
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pp. 1440–1455 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, A. D. Cross, J. W. Murphy, F. Šantavý and T. Toube
Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. XLV. On the constitution of the alkaloid orientalidine
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 3, pp. 875–890 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, J. Appelt, L. Slavíková and J. Slavík
Isolierung und Chemie der Alkaloide einiger Papaverarten XXXVII. Alkaloide aus den Arten Papaver persicum LINDL. und P. caucasicum MARSCH.-BIEB.
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp. 2682–2686 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, A. D. Cross and F. Šantavý
Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver. XXXIII. On the constitution of latericine
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 8, pp. 3345–3352 [Abstract] - V. Preininger and F. Šantavý
Polarography of alkaloids. XXII. A polarographic study of Veratrum alkaloids
1958, Vol. 23, Issue 6, pp. 1153–1154 [Abstract] - V. Preininger, H. Potěšilová and F. Šantavý
Polarographie einiger heterocyclischer Oxo-Verbindungen
1958, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 860–865 [Abstract] - J. Slavík, L. Slavíková, V. Preininger and F. Šantavý
Polarographie der Alkaloide XXI. Weiterer Beitrag zur Konstitution des Protopins und der ihm verwandten Substanzen
1956, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 1058–1062 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
Vladimír Preininger
- Daniela Walterová, Jan Kovář, Vladimír Preininger and Vilím Šimánek
Interaction between horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and aporphine alkaloids
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 1, pp. 296–303 [Abstract] - Daniela Walterová, Vladimír Preininger, Ladislav Dolejš, František Grambal, Miroslav Kyselý, Ivo Válka and Vilím Šimánek
Pseudobase formation in 2-methylpapaverinium cations and their biotransformation by enzymes of rat liver homogenates in vitro
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 3, pp. 956–965 [Abstract]