- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Vladimír Mareček
- Jana Jaklová Dytrtová*, Tomáš Navrátil and Vladimír Mareček
Phospholipid layer stabilization via Yb(III) on ITIES and facilitated K(I) transport
2011, Vol. 76, Issue 12, pp. 1917–1930 [Abstract] - Jaroslav Podlaha, Petr Štěpnička, Róbert Gyepes, Vladimír Mareček, Alexander Lhotský, Miroslav Polášek, Jiří Kubišta and Martin Nejezchleba
Hydrophobic Ferrocene Derivatives as Potential Standards in Electrochemistry
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 2, pp. 185–198 [Abstract] - Alfréd Sabela, Vladimír Mareček, Jiří Koryta and Zdeněk Samec
Mechanism of the Facilitated Ion Transfer Across a Liquid/Liquid Interface
1994, Vol. 59, Issue 6, pp. 1287–1295 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
V. Mareček
- V. Mareček, M. Svatá and J. Weber
Sedimented powder electrode for studying the properties of tungsten carbide catalysts
1977, Vol. 42, Issue 12, pp. 3363–3366 [Abstract] - V. Mareček and J. Honz
Determination of the rate constant of electrochemical reaction in nonaqueous medium by the potentiostatic equilateral triangle pulse method
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3553–3560 [Abstract] - V. Mareček and J. Honz
Polarization of an electrode with a potentiostatic pulse in the form of an equilateral triangle
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 965–975 [Abstract] - V. Mareček and J. Honz
Determination of rate constant of electrochemical reaction by linear potentiostatic pulse method in low conductivity media
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 487–493 [Abstract] - V. Mareček and A. Kopecký
Austauschfähigkeit von an einem Träger adsorbierten Aminosäuren
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 284–286 [Abstract] - V. Mareček and K. Kožich
Spaltung einiger Eiweisstoffe durch starke Säuren
1957, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 132–138 [Abstract]