CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Alkali metals
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Alkali metals
- Barry R. Steele*, Georgios A. Heropoulos and Constantinos G. Screttas
Metal Chloride Reductions with Aromatic Radical Anions. The Magnesium Chloride Catalysed Cleavage of Tetrahydrofuran by Sodium Naphthalene Radical Anion
2007, Vol. 72, Issue 5-6, pp. 589–598
- Arturo Arduini, Marcella Bozzoli, Chiara Massera, Andrea Pochini*, Andrea Secchi and Franco Ugozzoli*
Synthesis of New Calix[4]arene-Based Ionophores
2004, Vol. 69, Issue 6, pp. 1309–1324
- Jiaxin Hu, Leonard J. Barbour and George W. Gokel*
Cation-π Interactions Between Alkali Metal Cations and Neutral Double Bonds
2004, Vol. 69, Issue 5, pp. 1050–1062
- Martin Štěpán, Martin Semerád, Viktor Kanický* and Vítězslav Otruba
Preliminary Investigations of High-Frequency Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet for Atomic Emission Spectrometry
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 9, pp. 1348–1358
- Jaroslav Havlíček, Marcela Tkadlecová, Michaela Vyhnánková, Evgueni Pinkhassik and Ivan Stibor
NMR Complexation Study of Several Oxyethylated Calix[4]arenes with Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Ions
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 12, pp. 1783–1797