CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Bile acids
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Bile acids
- Zdena Nováková, Jana Tomanová, Lucie Štěrbová and Pavel Drašar*
Steroid and bile acids amide conjugates with D-glucosamine
2011, Vol. 76, Issue 1, pp. 65–74
- Mihalj Poša* and Zita Farkaš
Cholesterol solubilization by oxo derivatives of selected bile acids and their membranotoxicity
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 8, pp. 767–784
- Alain Durand
Bile Acids as Building Blocks of Amphiphilic Polymers. Applications and Comparison with Other Systems
2007, Vol. 72, Issue 11, pp. 1553–1578
- Ksenija Kuhajda, Julijan Kandrač, Vera Cirin-Novta and Dušan Miljković
One-Pot Esterification and Selective 3α-Acetylation of Cholic and Deoxycholic Acid
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 7, pp. 1073–1076