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  • ISSN 0010-0765 printed
  • ISSN 1212-6950 electronic


CCCC will be published under the name ChemPlusChem by Wiley.

Most cited articles

Most-cited rankings are based on citations to articles on this journal site (1929-2011) from articles in Crossref only. Because of the limited nature of the input data, this list cannot be used as authoritative source for citation analysis.

The most cited articles analysed according to the Web of Science can be found in Top 25 articles.

965 citations

507 citations

429 citations

384 citations

322 citations

313 citations

311 citations

257 citations

240 citations

225 citations

219 citations

218 citations

215 citations

212 citations

209 citations

183 citations

175 citations

171 citations

167 citations

160 citations