CCCC > Serials > Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis
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Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis
- F. Jiráček, J. Horák and M. Hájková
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXXII. Experimental study of dynamic behaviour of the catalytic tubular flow reactor
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp. 185–193
- J. Jiráček and J. Horák
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXXI. Dynamic behaviour of a discontinuous mixed reactor in catalytic reaction of hydrogen with oxygen
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 11, pp. 3588–3597
- J. Horák and F. Jiráček
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXX. Effect of heat and mass transfer at the external surface of the catalyst particle on behaviour of an isothermal tubular flow reactor
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 7, pp. 2454–2466
- J. Horák and P. Chuchvalec
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXV. The effect of mass transfer between external surface of a non-porous catalyst pellet and a streaming reaction mixture on the selectivity of two consecutive reactions without thermal effect
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 1740–1752
- J. Horák and F. Jiráček
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXIV. Effect of heat and mass transfer between external surface of catalyst particle and bulk of reaction mixture on dynamic behaviour of an ideally mixed flow reactor
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 1720–1739
- F. Jiráček, M. Havlíček and J. Horák
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXIII. Study of effects of heat and mass transfer between the external catalyst particle surface and the bulk of the reaction mixture on dynamic behaviour of catalyst particles for reaction of hydrogen with oxygen
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 1629–1633
- F. Jiráček, M. Havlíček and J. Horák
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXII. Study on effects of heat and mass transfer between the external surface of catalyst particle and the bulk of reaction mixture on reaction rate of hydrogen with oxygen
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 64–76
- J. Horák and F. Jiráček
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXI. Effect of heat and mass transfer between external surface of the catalyst particle and the bulk of the reaction mixture on steadying of the catalyst particle regime
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 7, pp. 2100–2110
- J. Horák and F. Jiráček
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XVII. Effect of heat and mass transfer between the external surface of the catalyst particle and the bulk of the reaction mixture on the course of reaction in the flow reactor with recycle
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp. 1760–1772
- J. Horák and F. Jiráček
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XVI. Effect of heat and mass transfer between the external surface of the catalyst particle and the bulk of the reaction mixture on the rate of catalytic reaction
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 174–186
- P. Kondelík, J. Pašek, L. Jiráčková and H. Henke
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XII. Wall effect in a tubular catalytic reactor II
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 12, pp. 3862–3867
- P. Kondelík and A. I. Boyarinov
Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XI. Wall effect in a tubular catalytic reactor I
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 12, pp. 3852–3861