CCCC > Serials > Organosilicon compounds
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Organosilicon compounds
- R. Ponec and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. CVI. CT spectra as a means of the study of the origin of intramolecular interactions in allylsilanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3845–3851
- V. Fialová, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. CV. The effect of structure on the basicity of silylalkylamines
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3837–3844
- M. Jakoubková, P. Reich, Z. Papoušková, P. Novák, J. Pola and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. CIII. The preparation and vibrational spectra of some chloromethyl- and acetoxymethyl-substituted silanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 11, pp. 3471–3478
- J. Joklík and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. CII. Direct synthesis of methylchlorosilanes in the presence of methyldichlorosilane or toluene
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 10, pp. 3176–3180
- Vo-Kim-Yen, Z. Papoušková, J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. CI. σp Constants of some substituted silyl and germyl groups
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 10, pp. 3167–3175
- J. Pola, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. C. α-Effect in IR spectra of some oxygen containing carbon-functional silanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 10, pp. 3163–3166
- J. Pola, J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. IC. On the nature of α-effect and its role in trimethylsilylalkyl ethers
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 10, pp. 3158–3162
- J. Pola and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCVIII. The structure of 1-oxa-2-silacyclohexanes and α-trimethylsilyl-ω-trimethylsiloxyalkanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 6, pp. 1674–1678
- J. Pola, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCVII. Cyclization of terminal ethoxysilyl-substituted propoxy- and butoxymethylsilanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 1528–1536
- J. Pola, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCVI. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds in phenylsilylalkanols
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 1522–1527
- J. Vencl, J. Hetflejš, J. Čermák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCV. Structure and solvent effects in solvolysis of (2-chloroethyl)aryldimethylsilanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 1256–1262
- J. Vencl, J. Hetflejš, P. Kučera, J. Čermák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCIV. Acid-catalysed solvolysis of (2-hydroxyethyl)aryldimethylsilanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 1248–1255
- J. Včelák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCIII. The aromatic bromination and bromodesilylation of phenylhalogenosilanes
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 1055–1072
- J. Hetflejš, L. Svoboda, M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCII. The effect of structure of some organosilicon thiols on the rate of their addition to phenyl isocyanate
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 3, pp. 717–726
- J. Pola, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XCI. The effect of structure on the properties of some trialkylsilyl-substituted alcohols
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 12, pp. 3885–3890
- J. Joklík and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. XC. The reaction of methylchlorosilanes with free methyl radicals
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 11, pp. 3772–3777
- J. Včelák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXVIII. Aromatic bromination of benzylmethylchlorosilanes
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 11, pp. 3623–3631
- P. Svoboda, V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXVII. The nature of the silicon-vinyl bond in methylvinylfluorosilanes
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 7, pp. 2258–2264
- P. Svoboda and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXVI. The nature of the silicon-vinyl bond in methylvinylchlorosilanes
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 7, pp. 2253–2257
- J. Koutková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXV. The addition of dichlorocarbene to vinylmethylchlorosilanes and allylmethylchlorosilanes
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 2100–2109
- J. Hetflejš, F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXIII. Structure effects in bromination of some organosilicon hydrides in dimethylformamide
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 5, pp. 1713–1720
- I. Véle, V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXII. Molecular complexes of phenylmethylchlorosilanes and vinylmethylchlorosilanes with bromine and iodine
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 1396–1400
- I. Véle, J. Hetflejš, V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXXI. Molecular complexes of methylchlorosilanes and methylmethoxysilanes with iodine and bromine
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 12, pp. 4111–4115
- F. Mareš, Z. Plzák, J. Hetflejš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXX. Bromination of silylsubstituted phenyldimethylsilanes and σ constants of silyl groups
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 8, pp. 2957–2965
- Z. Plzák, F. Mareš, J. Hetflejš, J. Schraml, Z. Papoušková, V. Bažant, E. G. Rochow and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXIX. Hammett substituent constants of some silyl groups
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 9, pp. 3115–3127
- M. Čapka, P. Svoboda, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXVIII. The effect of structure of silyl hydrides on hydrosilylation of olefins
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 8, pp. 2785–2794
- P. Svoboda and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXVII. Nature of the silicon-vinyl bond in methyl-tert-butoxysilanes
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 6, pp. 2174–2180
- F. Mareš, Z. Plzák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXVI. Synthesis of some silyl substituted phenyldimethylsilanes
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 6, pp. 2166–2173
- Z. Pacl, M. Jakoubková, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXV. The relative basicities of some cyclosilazanes and cyclogermazanes
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 1682–1687
- Z. Pacl, M. Jakoubková, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXIV. The effect of structure on the basicity of some dimethylaminosilanes
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 1588–1597
- F. Mareš, J. Hetflejš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXIII. Bromination of substituted phenyldimethylsilanes
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 9, pp. 2831–2839
- J. Schraml, Z. Pacl and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXIII. PMR spectra of vinylaminosilanes
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 1578–1587
- F. Mareš, P. Neudörfl, Z. Plzák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXXI. Synthesis of some silylsubstituted benzoic acids
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 8, pp. 2324–2333
- V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXX. Dipole moments of phenylmethylfluorosilanes
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 7, pp. 2142–2145
- J. Včelák, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXVII. Electrophilic chlorination of benzylchlorosilanes
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 136–147
- B. Lepeška and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXVI. Electrophilic chlorination of phenylchlorosilanes
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3553–3568
- T. Krosnar, J. Rathouský and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. LXIV. The effect of substitution on the aromatic nucleus on the reactivity of bromobenzene with silicon using copper catalyst
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 1286–1298
- B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXIII. Acid-catalyzed solvolysis of trimethyl-tert-butoxysilane and hexamethyldisiloxane
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4422–4425
- J. Schraml, E. G. Rochow, J. Cudlín and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LXII. Characteristic contributions of the trimethylsilyl group to the shielding of cyclopropyl protons
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4419–4421
- J. Knížek, M. Jakoubková, V. Chvalovský and M. Horák
Organosilicon compounds. LXI. Infrared spectra of derivatives of phenylsilane C6H5SiXYZ in the region of 1600-700 cm-1; The effect of substituents X, Y, and Z on the vibrations of the phenyl group
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 11, pp. 3470–3477
- B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LX. Relationship between the acidity of the medium and the rate of acid-catalyzed solvolysis of organosilicon hydrides
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 10, pp. 3391–3393
- B. Náhlovský and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LIX. Acid solvolysis of substituted phenyldimethylsilanes. Change of ρ in dependence on the reaction mixture composition
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 10, pp. 3131–3137
- M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LVIII. Determination of relative basicities of some disilazanes by infrared spectroscopy
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 9, pp. 3062–3064
- V. Vaisarová and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LVI. Dipole moments of substituted vinylsilanes and phenylsilanes
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 859–865
- V. Vaisarová, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. LV. Dipole moments of substituted allylsilanes and benzylsilanes
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 850–858
- F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. L. Pyrolysis of phenyldimethylsilane
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 382–397
- J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XLVII. On the interpretation of NMR spectra of substituted silylethylenes
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 1411–1413
- M. Jakoubková, M. Horák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XLVI. Infrared spectra of silyl- and silylmethyl-substituted cyclopropane derivatives
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 979–996
- J. Hetflejš, F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XLIII. The effect of oxygenous substituents on alkaline solvolysis of organosilicon hydrides
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 586–601
- J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XLII. NMR spectra of certain vinylsilanes
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 503–514
- J. Hetflejš, F. Mareš and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XXXIX. Effect of (p →d)π dative bonds on solvolysis of organosilicon hydrides
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 5, pp. 1643–1653
- J. Knížek, V. Chvalovský and M. Horák
Organosilicon compounds. XXXVII. C-H stretching vibrations of phenyl groups in the infrared spectra of phenylsilanes C6H5SiXYZ and monosubstituted derivatives of benzene C6H5CXYZ
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 12, pp. 2935–2949
- J. Cudlín, J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XXXV. Addition of dichloromethylene to isomeric bis-(trimethylsilyl)ethylenes
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 1476–1483
- J. Cudlín and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XXXII. Addition of dichloromethylene to vinylmethyl- and allylmethylsiloxanes
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 11, pp. 3088–3095
- J. Knížek, M. Horák and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XXXI. Spectroscopic behaviour of the vinyl group in silylolefins
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 11, pp. 3079–3087
- J. Cudlín and V. Chvalovský
Organosilicon compounds. XXX. Addition of dichloromethylene on trimethylsilylsubstituted alkenes
1962, Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1658–1665
- M. Horák, B. Schneider and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. XVI. Molecular spectra of methylphenylsiloxanes
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 10, pp. 3381–3388
- V. Chvalovský and V. Bažant
Organosilicon compounds. I. Fission of aryl-silicon bonds by means of nitric acid
1951, Vol. 16, pp. 580–590