CCCC > Serials > Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds
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Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds
- M. Tichý, R. Zahradník, J. A. Völlmin and W. Simon
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XXI. Acid-base equilibria of polynuclear phenols and amines
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 962–969
- R. Zahradník and O. Chalvet
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XX. Molecular orbital studies of the chemical reactivity of conjugated systems: Equilibrium and rate processes
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. 3402–3420
- I. Němcová, M. Malát and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XIX. Correlations of spectral data and pseudobasicity of the triarylmethane dyes with quantum chemical characteristics
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 10, pp. 2880–2894
- R. Zahradník, A. Kröhn, J. Pancíř and J. Šnobl
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XVIII. Electronic spectra of arylmethyl cations
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 9, pp. 2553–2567
- C. Párkányi, Z. Dolejšek and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XV. Kinetics of the dedeuteration of benzenoid hydrocarbons
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp. 1211–1219
- S. Guha and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XII. On the basicity of polynuclear aromatic amines
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp. 2448–2455
- V. Horák, C. Párkányi, J. Pecka and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. XI. An experimental and theoretical study of arylphenylmethyl cations and some oxygen- and sulfur-containing heterocyclic analogues
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 2272–2287
- C. Párkányi, V. Horák, J. Pecka and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. X. An experimental and theoretical study of benzoyl derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons and some oxygen- and sulfur-containing heterocyclic analogues
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 835–851
- C. Párkányi and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. IX. Anodic oxidation of derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 12, pp. 4287–4296
- R. Zahradník and C. Párkányi
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. VIII. Quantum chemical reactivity indices of pyridine-like heterocycles
1965, Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 355–379
- M. Nepraš and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. VI. Charge transfer spectra of π-complexes of analogues and derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1555–1560
- M. Nepraš and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. V. Charge transfer spectra of π-complexes of conjugated hydrocarbons
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1545–1554
- C. Párkányi and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. IV. Kinetics of the reaction of aryl amines with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 973–982
- J. Koutecký and R. Zahradník
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. III. Study of the heteroanalogues of benzenoid hydrocarbons by the simple MO-LCAO method
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp. 2089–2101
- R. Zahradník and J. Koutecký
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. II. Study of the derivatives of benzenoid hydrocarbons by the simple MO-LCAO method
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 904–934