CCCC > Serials > Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series
- J. Mindl and M. Večeřa
Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. VI. Hydrolysis of benzhydryl bromides in 80% acetone; Cumulative effect of substituents
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 11, pp. 3496–3505
- J. Mindl, P. Pivoňka and M. Večeřa
Reacticity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. V. Kinetics of hydrolysis of monosubstituted diphenylmethyl bromides and esters in 80% aqueous acetone
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 8, pp. 2568–2578
- J. Mindl and M. Večeřa
Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. IV. Protonation of disubstituted derivatives of benzhydrol in aqueous sulphuric acid medium
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 1143–1149
- J. Mindl
Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. III. Protonation of mono- and polysubstituted benzhydrol derivatives; Acidity scale HR· for systems sulphuric acid-water-acetic acid
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 2, pp. 585–591
- J. Mindl and M. Večeřa
Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. II. Protonation of mono- and polysubstituted benzhydrol derivatives
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 11, pp. 3621–3632
- J. Mindl and M. Večeřa
Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. I. Protonation of meta and para monosubstituted benzophenone derivarives
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 950–955