- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2008, Volume 73, Issue 3
pp. 293-313
Pavel Matějíček, Filip Uhlík, Zuzana Limpouchová and Karel Procházka* The Use of Monte Carlo Simulations for the Interpretation of Light Scattering and Fluorescence Data on Self-Assembling Polymer Systems in Solutions -
pp. 314-321
Stanislav Labík* and William R. Smith New Approximate Analytical Formula for the Solute-Solvent Contact Distribution Function in an Infinitely Dilute Binary Hard-Sphere Mixture -
pp. 322-343
Josef Sedlbauer Modeling Approaches to Hydration Properties of Aqueous Nonelectrolytes at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures -
pp. 344-357
Robin J. Speedy* and Richard K. Bowles Statistical Geometry and Cavity Correlations in the Hard Sphere Fluid -
pp. 358-371
Jitka Havránková, Zuzana Limpouchová and Karel Procházka* Self-Assembly of Heteroarm Star Copolymers Studied by Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation -
pp. 372-387
Petr Voňka*, Jindřich Leitner and David Sedmidubský Topology of Potential Phase Diagrams of Partially Open Condensed System -
pp. 388-400
Tomáš Boublík Radial Distribution Function in the Hard Sphere Mixtures -
pp. 401-412
Jiří Škvor* and Ivo Nezbeda On Universality of the Wrapping Percolation Transition -
pp. 413-423
Magda Francová, Jiří Kolafa*, Pavel Morávek, Stanislav Labík and Anatol Malijevský Fluids of Hard Nonspherical Molecules. I. Higher Virial Coefficients -
pp. 424-438
Douglas J. Henderson* and Osvaldo H. Scalise Some Explicit Results for the Mean Spherical Approximation for Mixtures of Yukawa Fluids
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.